Bad blood (3)

From Moon boo suk's point of view he was angry because he reminded Song Young Jin of past incidents..

Song Young Jin was really angry because of this new founding. Song Hye Kyo never mentioned to him about this matter at all. Even the body guard he appointed for her didn't informed him about this matter. Little do he know that poor bodyguard cum driver is also unaware of the this matter.

When Moon boo suk saw room is becoming chilling cold his back become stiff. Cold sweat started running down from his forehead . Seems like unknowingly he push the wrong buttons. It didn't take much time for him to think of an escape rout . He took his phone out and played it for a while before exclaiming loudly.

"Ah.. there's something urgent matter for me to attend I.. I'll see you around." Saying this he disappeared from the bar.

This made Lee Tae Hwan and Kang min look astonished. They both looked at each other before stealing glace of Song Young Jin.

Today was day of coincidence Just as Moon boo suk disappeared from their sight soon Song Hye Kyo entered the bar.

Kang Min and Lee Tae Hwan both hid their faces. Thankfully because of bar's lighting Song Hye Kyo wasn't able to see their faces clearly. she didn't paid any attention towards them and directly occupied the seat next Song Young Jin.

"Ah.. Your here!" Song Young Jin said with a meaningful smile.

Song Hye Kyo didn't know why but seeing his smile she felt a bit uneasy. But she didn't show it on her face and nodded indifferently.

"dear little sister, are you hiding something from me?" Song Young Jin asked. The smile didn't leave his face for a single Second from his tone Song Hye Kyo deduced that he found about something he shouldn't .

She took a moment of silence before replying to him." I don't think so.. If there's something then.. might be I forgot to tell you."

"Aah.. So you forgot again." he slammed his hands on the table and said in a bit loud voice.

"Hehe.. You know.. I'm so busy these days that sometimes I even forget about my meals." Song Hye Kyo give a awkward laugh.

"Yes, yes you are truly busy these days."

Lee Tae Hwan and Kang Min looked dazly at each other they doesn't know what is going on exactly.

Wasn't that guy supposed to have bad blood with Song Hye Kyo? Few moments ago they were convinced that he was Song Hye Kyo's foe but now it looks like other way around.

" Okay guess whom I met just now?" Song Young Jin asked with playful tone.