
After a long day Tae Hwan finally reached his home. When he entered the house it was completely dark only the light of t.v could be seen.

Thinking that Kim Ji Wan is enjoying a movie he did not turn on the lights and started walking towards his room in dark.

Suddenly a force knock onto him. Before he could realize he already lost his balance.


He fell on his back. He tried to get up only to realize something soft was lying on top of him.

Kim Ji Wan who was watching the horror movie got scared from the sudden noise. Scared she slowly turned back only to see darkness in the room.

Heaving a Sigh of relief. She finally called out for Song Hye Kyo.

"Hye Kyo unnie are you alright?"

... No response...

"Unnie?" Kim Ji Wan called out again.

On the other hand, Lee Tae Hwan who was still lying on floor holding the "soft thing" in his hand finally realized that the soft thing is none other than Song Hye Kyo.

Just then he heared Song Hye Kyo's voice:

"I'm fine but.."

She put some force on ground to get up but because Tae Hwan was holding her she fell on him once again.

Tae Hwan did not realize that until she caught onto his hand.

"Unnie should I turn on the lights?" Kim Ji Wan asked worried.

"No!" Song Hye Kyo and Lee Tae Hwan said at the same time.

"err..." Kim Ji Wan did not know what to think. She just turned around and focused on screen.

Song Hye Kyo immediately Stand up amd pulled Lee Tae Hwan along her. While Lee Tae Hwan was still dazed.

When Song Hye Kyo turned to get back to couch. She felt her hands were still hold firmly by Lee Tae Hwan. At first she was embarrassed but after waiting for few seconds she could not wait to get her hands freed from his grasp.

"What?" She asked in a suppressed voice. "

No reply.

She could only apply some force to free herself. Poor Song Hye Kyo compared to her small hands his hands were big and strong.

" unnie? " Not hearing anything Kim Ji Wan thought Lee Tae Hwan already left so she called for Song Hye Kyo again.

Kim Ji Wan's voice pulled Tae Hwan back to reality. He freed her hand and left in daze.

Song Hye Kyo could not see his face in dark but she felt as if something is not right with Lee Tae Hwan. Ignoring him she went back to Kim Ji Wan.

"Ah I'm coming, it's too hard dark her. Hehe" Song Hye Kyo tried to cover up.

Kim Ji Wan rolled her eyes 'That's why I asked you if I should turn on the lights.'


At city C,

"Have you got any news from Tae Hwan." an elderly man asked.

"No dad." Lee Young Jae replied.

Facing the elderly man his back was covered with cold sweat.

"What he is doing recently?" The elderly man asked.

"Nothing much he opened a mall and not planning to join any other business. He said he does not want to get into business world."

"That brat wasting his talent like this. Make a call to him in front of me right now." He ordered.

"Y..Yes." after replying he immediately called Lee Tae Hwan.

"Hello Tae Hwan!" Lee Young Jae said as he had very good relationship with tae.

' if you could not get my hint now only god could save you! " Lee young jae said inwardly.

" Ah..big brother what is it? " Lee Tae Hwan who already had experience from his last life immediately realized what was going on.

" umm... Have you thought about getting into business world? That small mall of yours won't help you earn much!" Lee Young Jae said.

" Brother! What I earn is enough to have my own mansion, expensive car and good Saving why would I die from getting into business world.

Let me tell you I could even sneak out for fun here. But I'll die one day because of that business. It's better to stay from it I'm happy with the my mall.

Even if one day I don't have the mall anymore I have enough Savings to live a good life without working.

I'm saying if you drag me into your business world without my approval I might end up leading it to its doom. "

Lee Tae Hwan who understood his dad's thoughts warned him indirectly to not drag him out. It was true too because of that business world he died in his last life why would he get connected to that business world again? To die in hands of his dad again?

Lee Tae Hwan of previous world always followed his dad orders. He even thought that his elder brother was his archenemy but what he did not know was his dad was never his real dad.

Lee Tae Hwan and Lee Young Jae Were both his adopted sons. And he was the only one who made them each other's enemy. Lee Young Jae who was 3 years Older Soon realized his dad's plan but not Lee Tae Hwan.

He always thought that his dad was right. Until the day his dad sent his people to kill him. The secrets he knew were enough to destroy his dad.

At the end only one person was there to save him. But She also died while trying to save him. And that was Song Hye Kyo.

After his rebirth Lee Tae Hwan cut all the connections from his dad but to keep Lee Young Jae safe he kept his contact with him.

"Tae hwan you have to take over the business one day!" Young Jae's voice break his chain of thoughts.

"I won't! Tell dad that I will never be a part of that business of his and yes he should stop controlling me by Kang Min Hyung. It won't take much time to fire him!"

Lee Tae Hwan was just bluffing he knew that man isn't trying to control him trough Kang Min but there were his spies every where.

Lee Young Jae on the other side could only shake his head. He did not knew when did his little brother become so smart. Few years ago he was still his father's puppet but suddenly he become so rebellious.

Although he become rebellious and moved to another city but it was for good. He could not imagine what will happen his future if such a talented man become puppet of this dangerous man.

Lee Tae Hwan wasn't his blood related brother but they spend their childhood together and he treated Tae Hwan as his own brother.

"Brother if there's isn't anything else I'm hanging up. Good night!" Lee Tae Hwan's voice sounded from the other side. the call ended.

In his room Lee Tae Hwan lay on his back tiring to forget about the past.

A sudden knock came from door.

It was Song Hye Kyo standing outside.

" do you want to have dinner with us?" Song Hye Kyo asked with a sweet smile.

Tae Hwan nodded and followed after her to the dinning room. Kim ji wan was already sitting there looked at him cheerfully. Not minding her male body at all. He alwas still behaving like a girl.

"Aah, You come! Today Hye Kyo unnie made the dinner. It smells so good." Kim Ji Wan said cheerfully.

"Yeah!" Lee Tae Hwan just gave a smile and sat down.

It wasn't his first time trying her food and yeah he also agreed that she had good culinary skills.

'hmm it's good to have a wife with good culinary skills.' he thought to himself while gobbling down the food.