time travel?

what is mans greatest enemy? its not animals, aliens, water, etc no it's time! times is mans greatest weakness no matter how you try its unfortunate you cant stop time from ravaging you whether physically or mentally but....

possibilities are endless to create that which shouldnt be created but what if all possibilities exist at once? to create something to go forward in time or backward in time ? If time exists all at once then there is no past nor future only the present yet .... if you could travel to the past it could be an alternative timeline created by the sequence of events man creates possibilities are endless you could go back and alter the future or go forward but you may not be able to come back from either ?

to comprehend time is difficult as difficult as trying to understand space and matter but If and I mean if someone could figure out all possibilities and input them in the equation maybe it wont be impossible haha time space matter weight direction you never know but to travel back or forward unfortunately so far knowledge and society doesnt support the theories of a mad man