interstellar travel?

theories theories unfortunately no ones yet understand fully the capabilities of gravity and energy and we're still relying on fossil fuels instead of an advanced fuel that isnt slowly draining our planet dry I mean seriously when you drain a planet of all its resources theres few outcomes that wont lead to death ..... if you think about it each natural resource earth has is rare and rarer by the day and were slowly losing ground and being backed into a corner I could tell you a good theory on how to manipulate the space around a space shuttle but earths current designs would be utterly destroyed upon testing the theory shuttles are also too heavy so much tech but not enough durability and space in order to fully comprehend "warp" you should also try sending things through a black hole and investigate the various other gravitational anomalies and to make the shuttles stronger ...well that requires a stronger but lighter material combination and the fuel? solar isnt the right power to solely rely on nor fossil fuels nuclear is potentially too unstable theres always combining several things like nuclear power with solar but again very unstable so theres always creating a new engine something that defies gravity some crystals have a good conductivity with electricity but hmmm..... but interstellar travel is completely possible and of course unless you want no results from research its good to have some " space marines" as donald trump puts it however id simply just call them IDC interstellar defense corp or HDC human defense corp and if I make and misspellings unfortunately it's my phone I spell something correct and it changes it sadly..... but to go and investigate and explore space and the infinite reaches of the void you definitely need some cryo units believe it or not once you can incorporate an anti aging fluid or pill or put the body in a special "stasis" until you reach a certain destination long exploration is definitely a failed attempt but give it 50-100 years I believe something gonna happen to allow us reach to other worlds