
in all honesty this is a relatively new theory I just cant seem to get my mind off of .... since ive not heard of any new visits to the moon I fear something has shaken the world leaders hahaha but if you think of it how could something as big as the moon crash into a planet and not force it apart? and some say that the moon is hollow and sounds like metal but then? how could it be metal and hollow unless it was purposely put there and made to look like it was created from impacting with earth? could it be an artificial moon and satellite created to help and watch us or to help ease the planet into more peaceful conditions? although ill be honest to find whats inside the moon will inevitably cause its destruction.... I pity the planet in that event why it would most definitely kill most of the population and mutate the rest but if you wonder... if it was artificial then.. who created it and put it there and why?