
hmmm this ones tricky unfortunately although theres not much to form a proper thesis and theory I simply theorize that reincarnation is what normally happens because if no one went through reincarnation how are there cases of people who remember stuff they shouldn't? why is it we have so many different people and souls? properly described is the fact no matter how much people die theres always another soul that takes its place? think if one were to be sent to a heaven or hell after dying wouldn't we run out of souls to fill the bodies?

seriously ? if they either stay in a heaven or hell for eternity afterwards well..... doesnt that mean our souls are basically mass produced like livestock? Or like little debbie cakes?

well I disbelieve that I believe our reincarnation is dictated by our choices and our goals we had achieved before our unfortunate demise but I will be honest a lot of religions caused a great many wars its actually quite unfortunate that people don't realize that most religions have had extreme moments at least once or twice Christian beliefs is one of the main ones but back to the theory as you can see humanity if going by Christian beliefs started with 2 people but then .... where are all the other few billion souls coming from?

also for that matter if our souls are divided over and over again doesnt that mean were slowly destroying our souls and minds of the next generation?