weapons of mass destruction?

see I've always had a deep fascination with sci-fi movies and they're laser weapons however it doesn't do any good if the ones created cannot accomplish what you truly want you see.... my theory is if you want to power a light saber like in star wars of course you need a very very high voltage but your out of luck at the moment because until they can create a safer version of nuclear fusion energy your gonna sit there and sulk about not having your star wars realized dreams personally you could simply also focus on energy weapons such as laser guns and singularity cannons I for one can say if you want a laser rifle you need to have also created a chamber on the rifle for exchanging out energy cores which at this stage are hazardous to everyone's health considering nuclear is radioactive it will have to be isolated and insulated with a coolant device mind you this stuff is miniaturized than that energy flows into super durable and high powered bulbs that brighten up a chamber coated in a highly reflective material that then channels it through super durable magnified lenses about 3-4 In total should do it and each lense focuses the beam of light more and more until it shoots out the gun and Bam you pretty much melted a hole through a tank now those singularity cannons? hmmm can only think of inducing enough voltage or power to temporarily shoot out a ball of energy that spirals enough with enough mass and density to give it's own energy thereby disrupting the gravity and mass around the area of impact forcefully imploding that energy causing a implosion of itself pulling the poor victims into the danger zone and giving them a rather gruesome death and causing a temporary singularity or by bad luck it turns into a fully functional black hole killing everyone I personally wouldn't op for the singularity cannons until you have created ships that can run off of something other than fossil fuel and sunlight sure sunlight is good to have but you need to have a series of powerful batteries to recharge and hold the energy in case your panels are damaged but your not going too deep in Space until you have cryo units and good suits so I also thought of your everyday laser mining machine but I haven't thought much into it yet sorry