time travel insight

ok I'm gonna be honest I may sound completely crazy maybe it's true maybe not no idea mental hospitals call me sane so lol but anyway ok to time travel you have to calculate the dimensions, date, time line, and basically everything for it to work but for every decision made by someone it inadvertently creates another timeline where you choose different decisions and every decision made creates another timeline where you chose the opposite decision this making the opportunity to change the future based on going back in time false since that decision will not change your future but create an alternate timeline and make it so you basically can't go back to your original timeline anymore .

upon making the choice to go back in time( should you calculate everything correctly ) you would also have an alternate timeline where you didn't go back in time in the process of the calculation you must calculate your weight , the time you want to rewind into or fast forward into and calculate the direction in a way of speaking that you want to go whether it's backward or forward but the consequences of such an action are or can be fatal for the simple reason something that big will be noted and discovered by countless organizations and if they don't understand the process of alternate timelines or realities many people will go missing with no Current hope of return should they recreate the process