the plan and the child

What if we got a new designed bus when we get to florida in a hour or so and we go on tour together.  Bigger bus, all the kids. Jeremy is more secured and watched.

Mom: I like the idea, i'll see you in a bit, meet me at the car dealership the bus is gonna be ready soon, i just placed the design.

Dad: alright, see you soon. Oh and Skylar's boyfriend is with us on the bus so add any extras or whatever for him and whoever else is coming. No gf for jeremy, or austin, but if mac has one and he's coming then ya

Mom: Alright them, call you in a but, bye

Dad: Bye

He hangs up the phone and goes into his room

(few hours later)

Driver: We have arrived your mother is outside

We all get up and i go get dad from his room

Sky: moms outside

Dad: Thank you sky, lets go

We all walk outside and meet up with mom


Dad: I know i'm mad to but we need to stay calm, the reporter said he was scared and worried and all he wanted to do was come home, so i think we just need to go get him, talk to him, and be there for him. Tomorrow we will get mad at him, but we all need a little break from all this stress.

Mom: Ok your right

She takes a deep breathe multiple times

Sky: Mac where did he go last night, i feel like you knew

Mac: Actually for once i didn't even notice he left.

Dad: ok let's go get him alright

Sky: i'll go with you

Mac: me too

We drive a rental car to the police station he was being held in

Sky: Jeramy are you ok

Jeramy: Oh my god get me out of here

Mac: We will, dad is working on it, but are you ok

Jeremy: well