
Dad: hey sky i'm gonna need one of you to break the law and drive the where we are. We found the car, jeremy is getting out but your mom get hit by the man and we need two drivers

Sky: what do you mean she got hit by the man

Dad: The man whose car it is, he hit her. The car was at his house in his garage.

Sky: So the man lied to the cops so jeremy didn't get out?

Dad: exactly

Sky: why don't we just tell the officer

Dad: They want the car for evidence

Sky: alright i'll be there in a second

Skylar hangs up the phone

Mac: So

Sky: they found the car, the car was never stolen, it was in the guys garage, but the officers want his car for evidence so i have to go get it.

Mac: Wow that guy sounds so mean, why did he lie

Sky: he wanted jeremy to stay in jail.

Mac: WTF why!?!

Sky: he was jealous about dad, mom, and all of us kids

Mac: he's so immature. Alright go get the car and get jeremy out of here

The officer heard this and asked for my drivers id, i told him that I had a personal driver and he left me alone.

I drove to the place where the car was and got to the car and got hit is the head by a ball.

Sky: OMG you mother trucker beach of hell, imma kill you

I ran towards the guy with a shovel and hit him straight in the head and knocked him out.

I grab the keys from him and drive the car out of his garage.

Sky: you deserved to get robbed you asshole

I drove off to the end of the street where my dad was and i stopped

Sky: dad we need to go, like now

Dad: Why

Sky: i just knocked him out with a shovel, its kinda bloody

Dad: Take your mom to the station ok, don't crash, and don't get pulled over

Sky: alright, see you soon