WebNovelLady Baby69.23%

Lippes Feeling's

A knock sounded as the door opened.

"Oh, Mr. Butler."

The nanny, who had been pulling out a bib for Calliope to use, raised her head. 


Calliope froze abruptly.

"What may be the problem?"

"There is something that I needed to talk about."

Glancing at Calliope

"Ahh .. Is miss eating?"

Nanny put a bib around Calliope's neck before answering.

"Yes, she was getting ready to eat. Is it something important?"

"No, it's not. Please come find me when you have time"

" I understand I'll come and find you after the miss finished eating"

Butler Nod " Then.."

Before Butler finished his words nanny interjected.

"Oh, now I think about it..Hmm. Isn't this your first time seeing the miss, Mr.Butler?"Nanny asked while touching her chin.

" I have seen her when she was a few days old."

" You will be spending more time with her soon. Wouldn't be it good if you get used to each other?" The nanny suggested

"... You're right" then taking a glance at Lippe.

"It's alright~"

"Our miss is very mature~"

"Look our miss isn't crying~"

Butler Sighed inwardly

'I don't like babies. So babies instinctively don't like me as well... '

'Young Master Lucios and Young Master Robert were also... Umm.. And young miss too... '

'ahh? What's the young Miss doing?'

Calliope clenched her plate hard that the baby food inside is starting to spill.

The nanny was confused so she asked Lippe if she was alright.

Lippe didn't answer instead she turned her little head towards the butler. Lippe's eyes are full of coldness that could freeze you to death if you ever move an inch.

The Butler that was being stared froze.

'I...I...I can't move...'

' What's... With... those eyes?'

" Butter." ( Butler )

"Yes, Miss."

Calliope lifted her little finger and point it at the door.

"Leave" Calliope ordered the Butler in an aloof manner.

A kind demeanor. A calm attitude. A flawless worker.

A perfect Butler in everyone's eyes. I also thought that. From the moment I was born, we lived together. We don't share the same blood but he was family.

That's what I Believed... Until...

[There's nothing I can do miss..]


What's going on with Butler?

Why... Why is he shuddering? Is there something wrong?.

[I... Shouldn't I find a way to live?] Butler said that while looking at Lippe in an indifferent manner.


"Yes?" Butler answer instinctively

Tsk.. Hateful

Those eyes of yours!..

Calliope bites her lips while thinking about what should she do in the next second she grabbed her plate and then...

S P L A S H!

The Butler's face is full of baby food that is dripping slowly. Taking his glasses off and wiping the baby food away.

Nanny: GASP ... ahh... Mr.Butler...

"You're right nanny, the miss doesn't cry...

But I'm not sure about being mature."

The Butler exit himself

'The mental damage must have been quite bad...His arms and legs are going at the same time' Nanny thought worriedly while looking at the butler.

Nanny shot Calliope a worried look.

"Miss, why are you suddenly like this? You've Never cause ruckus before but now... "


'Is the butler's hatred of children spreading? It was the same a the young masters' Nanny asked herself inwardly.

Calliope didn't know how to explain herself.

'Ugh... Only I know what happened before going back time... '

"Nanwy" (Nanny)

Grabbing the Nanny's apron. Nanny lift Calliope and then ask.

"What's wrong miss~?"

Calliope hugged Nanny and answered " I dwont like teh butter. I dwont wanna see hem." (I don't like the butler. I don't wanna see him.)

Nanny lifted Calliope to see her expression "Why do you not like Butler?"

"He's Scwary." (He's scary)

Nanny hugged Lippe ' No way, it wouldn't happen... is the butler maybe bullying the miss when no one is around...? It was the same as young masters.'

Patting Lippe's head " It's alright"

'I must be cautious with the Butler.'


"Happy Birthday, Lippe. congratulations on being born and for living a healthy first year." Countess greet Lippe.

" em teh wan woo is tankful" (I'm the one who is thankful)

"Em vary happi tat motha pather bwothers are my famwy membwry" (I'm very happy that mother father brother's are my family members)

Count Rustichel: "..."

Countess Rustichel: " ..."

Lucius: "..."

Robel: "..."

' It's good that we didn't invite any guests... If someone else heard Lippe's speak I didn't know what would happen...' Countess thought worriedly.

She is this cute, pretty, lovely, and this smart.

Countess: 'Our Lippe going to have people hitting on her. A lot of people!!'

Count: I will never give up my daughter!

Lucius: Lippe will always with me!

Robel: Our Lippe will marry me!

Xie: ???

The troublesome family discussed that

they will protect their precious Lippe×4

Countess looked at Calliope but she feels that something feels off in Calliope so she asked worriedly.

"Lippe, Today is a special day so what's wrong?"

When you look at Lippe's eyes you can see her loneliness.

" ahh. I may you have Woryed." (I made you worried)

"It's nwothing imfowtant " (It's nothing important)

" I'm... I'm awright" ( I'm alright )

Lippe said that while smiling masking her worries away but little did she know that her family can sense that something feels off in her.

"Am awright" ( I'm alright)

'Just speaking well does not her vocabulary'{Countess}

Robel moved forward and faced Lippe. POING~ Robel gives Lippe a flick on her forehead.

"You teeny bean."

'Ahh? Why do I feel like someone is glaring fiercely at me? ' Robel turned his head at the back only to found his brothers making a face that is saying 'I will deal with you later '.

'Ah, I think I shouldn't have flicks Lippe's head. Now I need to face brother but it will be worth it for my little sister that is cuter than anyone else.'

"Lippe, your brother can resolve all your worries! Trust me and speak your mind."{Robel}

"It's just... " {Lippe}

'What might it be? She is a very special child quite different from her peers... Does she want to explore the outside world?' {Countess}

'I think she wants to study... She may be calm but she is a curious child.' {Count}

'Is it about the fairy tale book that I read her yesterday?' {Lucius}

'It's definitely about how she would make me!' {Robel}

t/n: Like that would happen

"Poh an entwire yeer I hab dan nwothing bat it's awready mah budhay." (for an entire year I have done nothing but it's already my birthday.)

"I wus jots twinking dat tim gos bi so fwast." (I was just thinking that time goes by so fast.)

Count Rustichel:"?!"

Countess Rustichel:"?!"



"...I-Is that so..." {Countess Rustichel}

S I L E N C E ~


Lippe looked at her family's eyes that are filled with worry.

Was I too focused on the past? The past, the future that will happen. Bound by the tragedy, I wasn't focused on the present.

The past year, I was mostly lying down in the cradle. Every day, I remembered the past tragedy and even promised myself to protect my family this time.

I was frustrated at myself for not being able to walk properly. I was getting impatient.


Changing the future and protecting my family, but there is something just as important, spending my current time happily with my family.

When I came back in time, that was one of my goals. As time passed and it became normal for my family to be with me...

Because the death of my family was such a huge incident, I forgot about anything else...

It's not that nothing happened in the past year...

It's simply because my past memories are irreplaceable.

"I twot wong." (I thought wrong.)

"Tey was someding I diwd inda pwast yuer." (There was something I did in the oast year.)

"Tee twime I spwent wit mather,pather,and bwothers." (The time I spent with mother,father,and brothers.)

"I wus wvery happi its tee most pwecious yuer." (I was very happy it's the most precious year.)

Count Rustichel: "G!"

Countess Rustichel: "A!"

Lucius: "S!"

Robel: "P!"

' Even after 10 years passed, I don't even think Robel would say those words.

The great mind said to have written poetry at age of three, Kimev, had watched the nanny cooked and called it time consuming. our Lippe is 2 years old! She's well enough about to do that!' {Countess Rustichel}

Xie: Nani?!

Count Rustichel and Countess Rustichel looked at each other and make a slight nod and star conversing with their eyes.

'As expected our daughter is a genius...!!'

"You're right, after Lippe was born, for the past year everyone has been very happy." Countess Rustichel answered to Lippe. Then she looked at Duke, Lucius and Robel then Asked "Right?"

Yes, what I truly needed to protect was this. My family's happiness. Father died when I was 15. I still have time. Just because it's a little urgent... I don't want to ruin my family's happiness right now.

I want to make new memories together from now on. I will look far ahead and wait for the moment. I shouldn't try to grow up so quickly and should just enjoy the present.

"Mather, pather, and bwothers yu must gwow owd wit me." ( Mother, father, and brothers you must grow old with me.)

"Mhm, Of course." Duke Rustichel

'Why is she saying stuff that elderly people would say? I'm still young, But am I old in Lippe's eyes?'

Count touched his biceps 'GASP'.' No-! These days, I eat less my muscles seem to go away. They say that baby's eye can see the sun's energy... Can they see this too?'

Xie: What the hell did you hear that?

"It seems I must increase the amount of my training."

When Lucius heard that his face became black.

"It seems the white dragon knight will going through some hell training."

"Why?" {Robel}

"What do you think? Father said he's going to increase his training amount, of course, he isn't going to train by himself."

xie: Poor knights