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Battle against yourself


I too... No, I can teach her better!

Lucius hugged Lippe tightly."Lippe, I'm also good at arithmetics im better than Robel"

Umm... Yes?

wait... is this?

jealousy? Nope, Brother Lu's face isn't the face of someone jealous? Just look at his expression, for brother Lucius to be jealous...

Is it something more than a whim? The brother's first rivalry... something like that?

"Ob corse bwother Luscius is gwet at it"

(of course brother Luscius is great at it)

"And ids da sem wid bwoder wobel"

(And it's the same with brother Robert)

"is der anythin to cwomper when bwothers hab dipperent dauts and meenin?"(Is there anything to compare when brothers have different thoughts and meanings?)


No way... is it really jealousy? Like that would... First brother's personality wouldn't suddenly change.

That stern face isn't the face of jealousy. Coming to talk about it in the night... It must be worse than rivalry than I thought, because they're siblings it must be worst..!

Hmm... what should I say?

"Bwothers apponant ivnt autside its imside."(Brothers opponent isn't outside it's inside.)

"winning amgenst yor owm self, iz wats kawld tue victawy" (Winning against your own self, is what you called true victory.)

[xie: my baby Lippe is such a genius^3^]

Lucius: "..."

'A battle against oneself'

Those are words father said a lot during training.

"your opponent isn't the one your sword is facing. You need to fight yourself who is holding the sword, That is a true knight's battle."

How did I forget the words that I used to hold dear?.. When you turn the sword to yourself and kill your inner demons, then you will realize the profound meaning of the sword.

How shameful, forgetting the words father said.


Lippe's right, this isn't worth competing against Robert.


Let's change the topic

"Lippe, shall I read you a fairytale?"

Lucius carried Lippe to the bed and started reading a fairytale


It's difficult to understand the rivalry between kids.

[xie: my baby Lippe I think you forgot that u r younger than them╰(^3^)╯]


Fast forward Lippe's now 5 years old and attending her first tea party

"Awww, No matter what Lippe wears, she always looks so lovely <3 It's a problem that she looks good in everything~ " Mrs. Rustichel

Everything is good and all, but how many hours has it been?

"Lippe, what do you prefer more, the yellow or the pink?"

"I'm happy with anything mother picks for me."

Insert: aggressive CEFC noises♡(˃͈ દ ˂͈ ༶ )

CEFC- Calliope's Exclusive Fan club

"I-is that so? Then let's go with pink♡ Huah, You can act more childish~ My baby is so cute~♡"

"Ah, Mother, If we don't leave now we'll be late."

"Oh my, I forgot Thank you for reminding mother"

"Now Lippe, take Mom's hand"


It's been a while since I attended a tea party and my pronunciation has gotten a little better. I'm not that bad to the point they can't understand me, right? It's not perfect but I'm satisfied, and it should be easier talking with people. But this problem is more related to growing.

This is my first time meeting people since the incident, excluding those in the mansion. Considering how the death of my family members were easily buried away, it must be related to the high nobles.

A murdered noble is a huge issue, but Nobles with high enough status can easily cover it up, which means...

Ah, right it's alright nothing has started yet, I still have 10 years. For now, Let's make mother happily enjoy being excited about her daughter's first tea party.

Speaking of the tea party, what happened today?

[she's speaking as what happened at this tea party before she went back time]

As soon as we arrived, I remember reading fairy tales the entire time.

Ah, a few hours ago ...


"It seems Lady Sarlino will be attending the tea party" The nanny reminds the countess

"it's been a while since she attended a social gathering... It's almost been a year."Countess replied

"After what happened to her child... It's not unusual. " Nanny

"I hope that the child that survived will be alright. I'm glad that's she'll be attending the party."

Lady Sarlnio?


The Sarlnio family originally had twins. The older twin sister, who was basically his other half, sadly died in an unfortunate accident. For the younger twin brother to experience this much trauma...

As a result, He...

I know the pain of losing family members. But, still, that doesn't make murder okay. Murder won't change anything.


"I am Calliope of the Rustichel Family. A pleasure to make acquaintance." Lippe introduced herself while bowing elegantly.

[Isn't she only 5 years old?]

[How smart and cute~]

"Please treat me well from now on." Calliope smiles as she greets the other nobles.

[How could she be so adorable?~]

[Her introduction was so elegant, and on the top of that, she doesn't seem nervous at all.]

"Lady Rustichel, how did you educate your daughter," asked the curious noble lady

"She learned by herself. I didn't do anything special" Countess answered proudly

'Naturally, my daughter is were ~'

[Dont be like that, come on tell us~]

[Who is her etiquette teacher?]

"Is it lady Karmela? Ah, but Lady Karmela..."

[Lady Karmela

-Lady in waiting of the empress

-Well known etiquette teacher amongst the nobles

= Difficult to hire ]

"N- no we've never properly taught Lippe any manners." Countess Rustichel answered nervously.

[What~ You must be joking, we saw how your daughter introduced herself.]

[Those excuses don't work on us]

[It must be a teacher we don't know about right?~]

"It's the truth, same with the etiquette, we never hired anyone."

'I could just investigate the teacher entering and leaving their place! ' The nobles silently planned.

"Isn't it good to share useful information? I never thought you were like this, But, Isn't Lady Rustichel being selfish?"

"Well, I understand since it's a matter that involves your child. I too would want my child to be the best~ The same goes for everybody else, No?"

The ladies laughed awkwardly because all Lady Brizell said was true and they can't deny it.

To be insulted at a social gathering is a common occurrence, So I will just let it slid- But, How dare they say such things about my lovely Calliope...!

Lippe is a tactful child, she must have already noticed the change in atmosphere.

Countess Rustichel noticed that Lippe isn't in her chair.

Where did Lippe go?

"Of course I have a teacher." Lippe walked to her mother confidently while smiling gracefully

"L- Lippe?"

"My one and only teacher is my mother, Lady Rustichel. My Mother merely said that out of politeness. You've all just witnessed how composed mother is, Right?

I've been watching her since birth, which is why I am so versed in etiquette." Lippe completely shut the murmurs down, making the ladies smile awkwardly.

[xie: Our baby Lippe is the best K.O]

"Ah... you must be very happy that you have such a brilliant mother."

[y-you're right, you're exactly like your mother~]

[R-right right~]

[Y-you must be very happy to have such daughter~]

Complimenting Lippe's awkwardly

"you're embarrassing me with all this flattery. Thank you for your compliments" Lippe smiled elegantly while accepting compliments.

{CEFC noises intensifies ;P}

[How can someone be this lovely?]

"To all the respected members here, you are all raising your children wonderfully. But sometimes it might be better to be on the same wavelength as your child.

So, If it's not a bother, may I tell everyone what they're lacking?"

[xie: Yes My baby Lippe teach me<3]

"of course lady Calliope I do want to know your opinion, eheh"

"Wife Brizell, I know your second daughter is two years younger than me, it's normal for a 3-year-old, not to be used to etiquettes.

If you have high expectations, it may cause problems with your child's growth.

It's better to love your child as she is now, As time goes by she will naturally learn about etiquettes."

The shocked wives stared at Lippe blankly, Lippe goes to her mother and tugged her sleeves.

"Mother, I think your clothes are too light today. I am worried you might catch a cold."Lippe reminded her mother worriedly.

"Thank you, Lippe. It's alright, there is no need to worry." Countess Rustichel replied while caressing Calliope's head.

"If mother gets sick the whole family will be worried.

It seems I took too much time from the wives, then please excuse me" Calliope exited herself elegantly.

[how can she be that smart]

[ i wish my children were even a little bit like her~]

[It seems Rustichel wife really did teach her children.]

[may we know how you teach them?]

The wives gather around Countess Rustichel asking how she teaches her children.

'It seems it wasn't a lie' Wife Brizell thought to herself


It seems wife Sarlnio did come, but I can't seem to see her son ... Did she not bring him with her? Anyways it worries me...

Calliope catches a glimpse of Wife Sarlnio and Lady Sarlnio while she was walking.

Something is off... She didn't die yet? Why is Lady Sarlnio here not her brother twin? What happened?

Seeing that lady Sarlnio alone Calliope approached her.

" Hello Lady Sarlnio, Right?"

"H-h... hello, I..."

"I'm Calliope Rustichel, Is it okay if I sit next to you?"

"I-It's nice to meet you... I I am Yu from the Sarlnio Family...No... Angelina "

Is she shy? It seems she doesn't really like people. And to the fact she chose to sit in the corner and it seems she was facing down when she introduced herself.

It seems she wasn't used to her introduction she said [Yu]... Right?



Her twin older brother 'Yulian'? No matter how I look, she doesn't look like a boy ... Did she get her name mixed up? Well they are twins so it must be confusing...

Hmm, and once I think about it... she slightly resembles brother with the way she sits... All those blisters...

Ah, It seems I stared too much. My mistake, it's making her uncomfortable

"I'm sorry, I stared because your dress is verry pretty... It must've troubled you that I keep staring... The dress looks too pretty on you. I hope you aren't scared of me. " Lippe Compliments awkwardly

I thought kids would like compliments?... Perhaps...?

[Xie: Oh Detective Baby Lippe✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧]

"I enjoy wearing dresses that's puffed up on my shoulders, what about you Lady Sarlnio?"

"AH?! F-For me... I- It is...

Ah... I ... This "

Lady Sarlnio pointed at the rose attached on Calliope's Hat

"I I like clothes that has those decorations attached."

-I knew it

Seeing how flustered Lady Sarlnio was Calliope already guessed the situation.