Sabrina is Femme Fatale

Aria feels excited and anxious at the same time as they enter the disguised police car. She knew it was Ethan's secret organization but he never mentioned to her who was behind the organization. Catriona was at the backseat cleaning up herself. She removed her makeup and cover herself up.

There was a car behind them. And it followed them until they reached the Alvarez Mansion. Ethan was waiting outside anxiously with Ferdinand. The police got out and gave an handshake to both Ethan and Ferdinand. Ethan immediately walk towards her and she receive his arms and cry on his chest.

"Sshhh, I'm here."

It was two in the morning. Too cold to be outside. So he pick her up and went to their room.

Enzo got out from his car, took Catriona's arm and drag her inside his room. He strips her of all the covers and kissed her viciously. Catriona didn't stop him until she was already on the bed.

Enzo manage to get a hold of himself and he sigh looking down at his woman.