He loves talking to her.

Sabrina frown first thing in the morning when she scrolled on the reports. Her husband left early and had left her a note. She changed her clothes and went to the gym. It seems that her husband used it so she's satisfied that he's not hard to teach.

She started practicing her martial arts, using an imaginary opponent. Through this, she'll be ready to face any assassins that will be on their way. She texted the person who owns that gang and warned him. He laughed and sent her a message.

Alanis: I can't cancel it since it's an offer from someone you know. Besides, it might be a way for me to meet you, right darling?

Sabrina laughed aloud and kick the manikin as it falls down on the floor with a loud sound. She's going to kill Alanis.

Sabrina: Name.

Alanis: A kiss would be enough for it.

Sabrina: Go f@ck yourself.

Alanis: Sure as long as you watch.