Doting Wife

Ethan escorted his wife to the clinic and they found Sabrina there. Ethan gave her a questioned look and she shook her head. Then, after a few minutes while waiting for the doctor's call, Gabriel came and immediately gave her a kiss on lips.

"So, if Sabrina isn't pregnant—what's the matter?" Ethan asked.

"We are going to have a thorough test…"


Aria's stomach is over 3 months and it is now showing changes. She's blooming as well and gained a little fat. Ethan of course remain quiet about it. For him, she was adorable as always and gaining weight will be good for her. She's too light so she need to eat more healthy foods that's what the doctor said and she need to be taken care of.

Though she's been taking care of him, cooking and making him lunch and chooses clothes for him. She even make sure that he ate a lot and he also had gain weight but he managed to have a good body built.
