It's not a good sight to see

Sabrina analyze the situation. Then she wrote down on her tablet.

"I'll think about it. Next time, don't come here stripping off your clothes like that. It's not a good sight to see." She said viciously. The woman turn back very much embarrassed and left quietly.

Gabriel patted her head and then pinch her cheeks. She's frowning with adorable creased brows. He giggle and kisses her forehead.

"You are my one and only, how could I get seduce by that body?" He reach her breast and squeeze it gently. "I love these and when I said that word, it only means that I am faithful."

"Faithful to my boobs?" she said bluntly. He laugh and kisses her chin.

"Your boobs or your adorable face… I am faithful to you. And only you can give me this kind of hard on."

"Good." She stood and kiss him passionately. "I am leaving so I can prepare our dinner for tonight."