Next Wedding?

Sabrina and Gabriel had arrive just on time for the dinner. Ethan and Aria are already in the living room. As soon as Sabrina saw Aria her eyes widens. Aria's stomach was swollen. Damn it, her brother is good at making babies. She wanted one but—it's not yet their time for that.

Gabriel also eyed Aria's stomach and glance at Sabrina. Then he murmur in her ear.

"I'll make babies with you after you are done with your stuffs." She grin and started kissing his face.

"Where's Enzo?" Ethan asked her father who greeted them.

Ferdinand's face lightens seeing Sabrina and Ethan and he was over joyed to see Aria pregnant. He said that it might be triplets and that's when Ethan make an announcement that it was twins. It was good then.