Enzo's broken heart

It was early in the morning when Sabrina arrived in the headquarters to see Catriona and Tequila depart. The ambassador of Switzerland is with her on the runway of the airplane. Brandy and Whiskey is with her and watch Tequila and Catastrophe standing in front of Sabrina in attention like they are facing the President of the country or the General.

They salute at her and Sabrina salute back. She gave each of them a letter card which contains Sabrina's words.

Struggle. Never Fail. Survive.

Those words was simple but it all contains Sabrina's trust in them and her worry as well. Tequila and Catriona was in a very dangerous mission. The facility that they are going to attack does not only release illegal drugs but other hazardous chemicals that they release. In other words, they are also making bombs and tear gas.