Sabrina's Anxiety

From Sabrina's villa, she watch Catastrophe and Tequila's footage that was send by Death. She printed the blueprint of the facility and start calculating everything. Their first attack show how their security goes. From the start of their duty until the guards are relieved.

A knock on the door makes her stop and it opens as her husband peeks. He enter and glance at her paper works on the table.

"Can I have my wife please? She's been locked up inside this room. I haven't seen her the whole day." Gabriel said and didn't get close to her. She turn off her computer and glance at the clock. "Can I have my wife please?" He sound adorable so she couldn't help but to put away everything and strode to her husband.

She jump on him and he caught her. Her legs wrapped around him and she started kissing his face. Soon, their mouth meets and the intensity inside the room rises up. Passionately kissing each other and like hungry cave men—who misses the food.