Adorable Jealous Husband

Sabrina woke up from the warm kisses that her husband is giving her. She smile and open her eyes. He kisses her lips, lightly and brushes her hair with his fingers.

"Good morning beautiful wife."

"Morning gorgeous husband." She mutter.

"Shopping in NY?" She nodded. "Let's get up to enjoy malls here." He sat up and pushes the covers.

"Aren't you going to make love to me first before starting our day?" her fingers crawls to his abdominal.

Gabriel never get disappointed with his wife's surprises. Gabriel let his wife take over. She straddle him and start kissing his face then his mouth. The bed starts shaking from their intense love making.

She put her fur coat on since its cold outside. Gabriel doesn't want her to get cold so instead of her wearing a short dress he chooses a long dress for her and a closed shoes. He was the one holding her purse and her hand as they walk around the city.