If she could only be with him

Gabriel couldn't be happier just hearing her sing. But he was a selfish man when it comes to his wife. He was still stunned there even though she put away her guitar.

"Her voice is only reserve to sing for her husband." Ethan said it proudly. They watch as Sabrina walk toward her husband and she smile in front of him.

Gabriel scoop her face and kisses her. He hugged her tightly.

"Next time, sing only in front of me not for anyone else." He said.

"That was selfish of you." Ethan and few people heard it so he said it through microphone. Gabriel possessively wrapped his arms around her and frown at her. "Okay, anyway! I don't want to ruin the moment so let's all settle down and enjoy the meal."

While the couple are both having their moment, Enzo went to Versace who is sniffling around. Then he suddenly run and start barking excitedly. He stop and saw Catriona wearing a black dress. With her is Tequila and Veronica as they talk at each other.