
Veronica wanted to take a long hot shower after her sparring with Sylvia so she directly went to the empty girl's shower room. She turn on the faucet as warm water shower above her. She scoff and sneer. Sylvia, that woman was good. She hasn't used all of her skills first. But Sabrina could put her down. She sigh as the warm water runs down to her skin.

She shook her head and wanted to laugh out loud. Then the door opens and that footsteps was Sylvia's. She took the cubicle on the other side.

"Sorry about that. But you have to shape up. Our boss wants his secretaries to be especially skilled."

Veronica smirk and took the soap and rubbed it on her body.

"Not a problem at all. I haven't spar for a long time."

"You can catch up easily. We should do it more."

"Hmm. I don't think that I would. Can we take it a little slow? My fiancée keep me up all night." She wanted to brag about it. She wanted Sylvia to be insecure and more jealous of her. Sylvia laugh and she sneer.