
Catriona was walking in the garden with one of her dog leading her While Tequila was fixing the garden where the dog dugs and mess up his newly planted Tulips. He frown at the General the American Pitbull. He was the one who started it and everyone followed him. Damn that dog. He was muttering to himself. Though he trained them well—they are still naughty and only behave around Catriona.

Catriona like feeling the grasses under her feet so they maintain it every day and clean it. It was Tequila's duty. He like all of the gardener's work. He remove poop around and them told the dogs all over again to pop on their pooping area where he put sands for their popping area. Away from the garden.

"You sound angry." Catriona said as she smile when she heard him from afar muttering. Though she is blind she has a very good hearing.

"Well, General just do it again and the others follow. So how will these Tulips grow beautifully?" He ask her.