Sabrina's Breakdown


Anastasia cover her mouth and stop herself from running to her daughter. She's been longing to hug her and her sons. She's been longing to see them and give them kiss. It's been three years since she remembers everything. She was kept by her father after she woke up from coma and had an amnesia. She acted like an infant again as she goes on with the therapy for years.

Sabrina looked betrayed and it pains her seeing that she's in pain. Anastasia walk little by little to Sabrina but she pull out a gun and pointed it to her.

"How dare you use me?" Sabrina said that into Ezekiel's face with her gun pointed toward Anastasia.

"I just did that to avenge what Francisco did."

"Is it just what he did? Kidnap your daughter and raped her? Or do you have other grudges why you hate him so much?"

Ezekiel didn't say anything at all as he try to remain calm.

"Your mother is the only one I have—point the gun to me."