The Aspie

Veronica was inside the EPUA facility using the Ninja gym. She's beating the time of her current speed. She's working out her whole body and stopping for more than five months is enough. She has to work more. In this way—she will be ready to defeat the big man.

It reminded her on how Glenn raped her mom. It reminded her on how he injected the serum that they make and half of it was from EPUA. Her adrenaline is pumping and she couldn't stop now as she climb up and jump, run, climb and jump then roll.

Tony was by the corner watching her. He too has to work out on this so he could be fit to rule the organization. Not just the organization but to protect her. He speaks with one of the trainer and then he follow his instructions. Veronica was aggressive and he should be too. The perseverance that Veronica has inspire him to follow her.