
Ferdinand clutches the paper that show the evidence of fabrication. Anastasia is alive. His heart wanted to jump out in excitement. She closed it. She was nearby he can feel it. But what he couldn't accept was how this all happens. For years, Sabrina suffered and never speak. What did Ezekiel Mondragon do? 

It was his fault anyway. If he didn't hide things from Anastasia this will never happen. But it's still useless if he keep blaming himself. He has to find his wife and bring her back. It took a while after thorough inspection of the corpse. He demand for three tests and it shows the same result. Now, he must find out what happened. 

Then Sabrina's incident happen that made him lost his focus. He can't lose his daughter now that he found out that Anastasia is alive. He waited in the villa and when Sabrina look well, he couldn't help himself but to hug her tightly and kiss her face checking if she got any scratch or something. But Sabrina ignore them.