Touch of love

She was busy packing up starter pack for her infant while her little Prince was running around and would peek on his little sister in the crib. Ana was busy taking whatever toys she want to bring.

"Honey, we are just visiting daddy." Aria told Ana. She pouted with that cute face. Aria couldn't help herself but to pinch that fat cheeks. "Okay. Don't bring too much. We are just going to pick up daddy to visit your cousin. Do you understand?" She nods and took one of her dolls.

"She like this?" She asked lifting her doll.

"She might've but Athena is like Camilla. She can't play with those toys. But soon she will be able to play dolls with you."

She was done packing their bags and then she went to the crib to check on Camilla. She's wondering around and moving like she wants to crawl. Aria's heart melt whenever she saw that beautiful eyes of Camilla. Then Ana peek on Camilla trying to reach her with the doll.