Capturing Cupid

Veronica take the hint as she come out from the dark and start shooting each one with tranquilizer. There's enough tranquilizer on her gun and for the last one…the bulky man with a height of 8 feet? Darn, one tranquilizer isn't enough for him. She search for the big dosage and shot him directly to his ass. 

"Hey!" Someone shouts and she duck down and slide. She hold on the rail of the balcony and swung herself to the master's bed room's balcony. She didn't knock and just break the glass. She enter and saw Catriona already in her defense motion. 

"It's Lily." Veronica said after ensuring that the room was secured. Veronica look at Eros and help him wipe his bleeding nose. "Cat don't mess up his face. He still have to look good in camera." Veronica said. She pull out the small camera as she start filming Eros's face. 

"What's your name?" Veronica asked him. 

"Eros…" He murmured. 

"Who do you love?" 

"Catriona." He laugh out loud.