Savage Mondragons

It's time for Gabriel to grant Oliver's wishes. To let him go. Although he can see that Oliver wanted to resign badly—he just can't leave work and Oliver is there to assist him. It just felt so bad that he's going to resign. He thought that the man was gay because he's not entertaining anyone at all. But now that he mentioned Island, bikini and naked women—he surely know that he's a real man. 

Oliver doesn't have a girlfriend none that he knew of. But anyway, as of today, the trained secretary is doing all his work while he's giving her instructions and lists. 

"Sir, I already settled the gift for your wife on December and on her birthday next year." Oliver said. 

"Okay." Gabriel look at the resignation letter that is ready. "Do you badly want to leave my office?" 

Oliver smiled a little. 

"Not really." 

"So what are your plans now?" 

"Like I said. I want to slack off." 

Gabriel exhales. 
