Day 02

Day 02

Gobu-li then suddenly awoke to find himself having grown to the size of average 1 to 2 years old toddler, and couldn't be much happier to be able to walk and crawl. Though he stumbles quite a fair bit trying stand up and maintaining his balance. No longer is he stuck and confined to one space in a little room. He is now free to do whatever he wants, within the limits of a 2 years toddler that is.

But still, like all of the other recently turned goblin toddlers, they are told off by adult goblins not to leaved the birth room until they properly turned 3 days old, when their toddler Goblin bodies and motors having properly developed to near adolescent stage are they freely able to leave.

'Well, that was to be expected. Afterall, they were still fragile and weak. Short and small in stature. Who would look after them if they were to accidentally wander outside of the Goblin Cave, and steadily get themselves killed. It would certainly not be the adult goblin's responsibility, as they don't personally share parent guardian relationships, whilst looking after the younglings of the group.' Gobu-li thought so to himself, whilst leaning his back against the cave walls and staring at other developing goblin toddlers.

Off into the distance, across the cave birth room that Gobu-li was currently in. He could steadily see an odd looking goblin toddler who is acting pretty wierd and differently from the rest of the goblin toddler group. Instead of just sitting down and resting, or simply playing with the other goblin toddlers like naive children. This goblin toddler instead is doing baby workout exercises, push-ups and sit-ups to get the body running, thereby strengthening the core of his wellbeing.

'So this hyperly active and working out goblin toddler is none other than Gobu-rou. The main protagonist of the Re:Monster series.' Gobu-li assumes, as he could not be that far from the truth. As his assumption is spot on, dead centre, hitting the needle on a hay stack.

After that thought, Gobu-li then began to think of something to himself. 'There's no need to go out of my way to truly tire myself out, when there is tomorrow when my goblin body has truly matured to early pre-adolescent stage, due to the {Precocious} skill. I can then head out of this boring cavern room and goblin den to explore the surrounding forest that which my home is currently located in.'

In the meantime, Gobu-li has been gathering small rocks, stones, and pebbles that he could steadily find withinside the cavern birth room that he was in. And steadily storing it, one by one, withinside his own personal {Inventory} storage space.

Gobu-li then quickly discovers another obvious functioning of the {Inventory} space, as it can store up to 99 of the same kind of items, withinside the same Inventory slot. And there are currently 100 Inventory slots withinside his own personal {Inventory} space.

And Gobu-li has managed to collect so far, quite a fair few amounts of rocks, stone pebbles the size of actual tennis balls, and some small enough to fit inside your hands, no bigger than actual ping-pong balls. At the sametime, withinside his rock collection within his personal {Inventory} space, there are some rocks that are even bigger than basketballs, weighing a couple of tons or kilos.

'They can be used as weight lifts to steadily trained my body's muscles later on when I get older.' Gobu-li thought so to himself, whilst steadily planning ahead of himself.

Thank God, Gobu-li does not have to actually pick up and carry them, then steadily put them withinside his {Inventory} storage space manually, one by one. There is a hidden function of storage, as all Gobu-li has to do is touched the identified object, and mentally activate his {Inventory} storage skill.

An invisible highlighted 2d square box would then immediately appeared in front of Gobu-li, and only he could see it. A pretty convenient and quite a secretive skill. If I do say so myself.

The highlighted invisible 2d square box would then descend downwards, sucking anything that is withinside the inner boundaries of the highlighted 2d square box into his {Inventory} space. At the sametime, Gobu-li is busy counting rocks and the stone pebbles that he steadily accumulated within his {Inventory} storage space to pass the time.


The unfamiliarised sounds of the system prompt notification then rings within his head, and a blue virtual display screen panel then appears in front of him, displaying his short progress that he made.

[Skill proficiency has reached a designated degree! The skill {Basic Mathematics Knowledge Lv.1} has been acquired! ]

[Skill proficiency has reached a designated degree! The skill {Basic Mental Arithmetic Lv.1} has been acquired! ]

'Not bad. I've managed to successfully acquired a new set of skills, whilst barely even doing much of anything, except counting rocks...' Gobu-li thought so to himself, feeling slightly delighted about himself.

After a while, Gobu-li then gradually grew bored at counting rocks withinside his head, and collecting stone pebbles and storing them withinside his own personal {Inventory} storage space.

'I'm bored...' Gobu-li thought so to himself, feeling slightly unamused.

He then sat down in one of the corners of the cavern birth room by himself, as he casually took out a stone pebble from withinside his own personal {Inventory} storage space.

'I wonder if I can gain some kind of stone throwing skill from the system. If I were to throw some light stone pebbles around, because I'm bored.' Gobu-li thought so to himself, which was an interesting idea that he himself hoped to try out and see if it works.

And so he did. Gobu-li then casually throws the stone pebble, that he got from his own personal {Inventory} storage space. And it flew a couple of feet away from Gobu-li's current location, before steadily tumbling to the ground, and quickly losing momentum as it falls.

The stone pebble that Gobu-li had unknowingly threw, it somehow had managed to create a sort of small disturbance, which completely disrupts an otherwise quiet ambient silence. It then drew the unwilling attention of other goblin toddlers within the same birth group, and Gobu-rou was amongst them.

Gobu-rou had immediately stopped whatever activity and baby workout exercises that he was currently doing. He then turns his head around slightly, looking for the source of the great disturbance.

'I didn't managed to obtained anything new. No new skill. A basic stone throwing skill perhaps.' Gobu-li thought so to himself, whilst talking to no one but himself. Narrating his journey, like some kind of hero isekai-ed protagonist.

Gobu-rou then stares aimlessly at Gobu-li's nonchalantly well laid back atmosphere, as he then casually took out a stone pebble from withinside his own personal {Inventory} storage space, that Gobu-li had disguised as picking up a nearby stone pebble from right behind him and throwing it to the side.

Gobu-rou's interest within Gobu-li's pass by time activity gradually diminishes, as he quickly lost interest within Gobu-li's unexpected actions. 'It would seem to me that this goblin child was just simply bored, whilst tossing one or two stone pebbles around just to get by the boring atmosphere within the cave room, to pass the time.' He thought.

After some time has passed, Gobu-rou then returns back to his own activity, whilst working out and steadily trying to improve his baby goblin toddler physique.

At the third attempt of throwing some stone pebbles from his own personal {Inventory} storage space, Gobu-li has managed to successfully got some kind of reaction from the System that he was expecting.

Gobu-li then heard the familiarised sound of the system prompt notification ringing withinside his head, and a blue virtual display screen panel then immediately appears in front of him, thereby showcasing the current progress that he recently made.


[Skill proficiency has reached a designated degree! The skill {Stone Throwing Lv.1} has been acquired! ]

[Skill proficiency has reached a designated degree! The skill {Basic Throwing Mastery Lv.1} has been acquired! ]

'Woohoo!' Gobu-li then immediately celebrates by raising the both of his baby toddler's hands upwards, and wanting to scream out in joy for his measly little achievement, but he managed to withheld himself back.

Gobu-li was infact an introvert, whilst even back on Earth, he would quite often keep his own thoughts and emotions to himself. And very rarely would he openly show his expressive emotions of happiness and joy, honestly to his friends and family. Things just sort of change when he left his high school life behind.

Life just started to become alot more difficulter, when he slowly transitioned from high school to college life. The atmosphere and change was quite drastic, hard to adapt for a slowpoke like him to accept, and many of his high school friends were left behind or has already moved on with their lives when he finally finished sixth form college after just two years.