Morning Calls

Sun light filters in from one of the closed windows which are situated perpendicular to each other, in a ninety degree format. The draping curtains sway gently in response to the swirling of the electric overhead fan blades.

At the window where light filters from which borders a fancy standing mirror at the other side of the wall, is a sort of ironing table placed against the wall, draped with pieces of materias which are meant to act as cushion when ironing. At the two ends of the table are a stack of books while a sleek pressing iron lays, steelface down.

And infront of the table lies a plastic white chair which backs a queen sized bed on which a lady lays, her chest, clar in loose milky gown, heaving and lightly snoring in blissful sleep as she drifts continuously in sweet rest.

The lady is none other than Deola, the supposed Prom Queen of the graduate set of LakeView College.

At her lower torso to her abdomen is a muffled ball of the grey huge blanket, while the amber-check bedspread is squeezed and appears to have being pulled from all four corners by the lady's sleep postures till most of it is under her.

The lady, Deola's room is not so exquisite yet at the same time, not simple as well. Opposite the Queen size bed is a fancy pink wardrope that compliments the cream color of the room while a hanger rod extends from the top of the wardrobe to the top of the window beside it, where some gowns occupy in hangers.

Below them is some suitcases in an alcove, opposite the wardrope and infront of the alcove is a shoe cabinet containing exquisite heels, wedges and sandals of different designs.

The are two doors in the room, one situated at the empty alcove which leads to the bathroom while the other that gives entrance into the room.

"Uuuuhhh..." Deola moaned just as the bulb and fan stopped operating, a sign that power was cut off.

She rose in the next second in a zombie-fied manner, sitting up while her eyelids slowly fluttered open.

She yawns, pushing off the blanket from her as she begins to recollect her thoughts.

Tunrayo had brought her home from the mess of a Prom she attended, thanks to Grace only.

Grace... That name left a sour taste on her tongue as she frowns. She remembers how she'd knocked in the door and her mother had ballistically engaged in a lecture of how she warned her not to attend Prom but as usual, she had allowed the bad influence of Tunrayo to distort her religious senses.

It was lecture upon lecture amidst furious hisses and stone stares of her mom whenever her Father interrupted the lectures. However, luckily for her, she was dead tired as she listened with half attention.

So tired, she was unable to even undress herself that she had slumped on the sofa, leaving her mom on her lectures on how she disobeyed God by attending a pagan ceremony.

But seeing herself in the loose milky night gown must have meant her mum had cleaned her up and brought her to bed.

"God..." Deola sighed, tapping the bed about until she finds her phone.

She had to call that Tade to thank him. She did collect the number before Tunrayo left as she felt guilty about how she retorted at him.

Even though, she knew deep down, she had done nothing wrong. After all, he was the making various advances to touch her.

Even though she had had to swallow most of her pride, she did feel it was necessary to atleast say a thank you, regardless how disrespectful the Mister was.

And with half open eyes, she dialed once but it was unanswered, twice again but on the third ring, the call connected.

"Helloooooo, Good day!" Came the singsong voice of Tade.

"Hi, hello. It's Deola, from yesterday's Prom." She pauses, resting her face on her left palm.

"Oh... What now?" The initial cheeriness in the voice vanished as coldness replaces it.

"I... Wheew..." She exhales, taken aback by the sudden change.

"You What?" The cold voice sounded again.

"I just want.... erm..."

"yoU JUST WANT WHAT?" Take retorted loudly that she jerks her head away from the phone.

Gee... Man is he angry!

But again, what had she done? After all, he was the one going all touchy on her. And saving her did not give him the rights of that.

The phone call is silent still as Deola recollects her thoughts once more.

'Did he cut the call?... How rude!" Deola frowns, anger building up in her.

If he did, that was -10 for him on her ranking sheet. To hell with the help he rendered previously.

She clicks on the power button and the call screen comes on, showing the call still is in progress.

"Oh!" She facepalms with her left.

"OH WHAT?" Tade's voice screams into her right ear, making her jerk away in impulse.

Furious now, she returns the phone to her ears and speaks, letting out the boiling anger within.

"Gee... Man... What is it? Why are you so petty?"

"Me, petty?"

"Yes you!" She retorts, throwing her left hand in frustration. "I should be the one who should be acting petty but here I am. Instead of you being the man you are, you're screaming like you lost your male genital already!" Deola lashes, in expectancy of a similar lash out by Tade.

However what ensues disappoints her need to fight.

"Can you just cut the call? You're disturbing my morning!" Tade's voice sounded bored.

"FINE!" Deola exhaled forcibly. "I'm... I'm sorry! For everything... The way I acted and stuff!" She shakes her head in resonance with her words.

"Sorry, what did you say last?"

"I said, I'm sorry!"

"Excuse me, I can't hear you"

"What? Are you enjoying this?" Deola's face is in disbelief as she hears a muffled laughter from the phone.

"What?" Tade's voice is cold again. "How could I enjoy it when you're the one who spoke to me harshly when I only was interested innocently in..."

'Interested Innocently?'

"You like me?" Deola frowns. This would explain everything.

"N-No...No no... I mean No!" Tade stammers. "Look, look, don't change the topic. If you're truly apologizing, then I want it in person. If not,delete my number!"

"Just admit you're looking for a way to see me, aren't you?" She giggles while Tade snorts over the phone.

"Bye.." He says.

"Uh..." Her eyes widen in surprise. "Okay, okay... I..."

"Forget whatever you want to say. After talking to me in that manner yesterday, you think a phone call can just settle things up, no. It's either in person or you forget about it." Tade's voice resounds deadly cold in her ears as she hears the click of the phone call being disconnected.

Just what was with this Tade of a person?

He was the one going touchy despite how she had warned him. So, why did he act like a castrated goat to her?

Afterall, the one with honest rights to be angry was her. And the fact she still put a call to him only went as far as reveal how civil she could be, notwithstanding the anger inside of her.

She shakes her head as she snorts, scrolling through the phonebook app of her smartphone in the other hand. In a short time, she soon comes across what she is after; the telephone number of her friend and best ever, Tunrayo.

Perhaps, Tunrayo might be provide some sort of explanation to all of this, she muses.

This time, the call does not take long to connect as it is answered on one ring.

"Helloooooo, Prom Queen, How are you?"

"Prom Queen ke? Please oh! don't further ruin my morning already." She pouts, settling into a lotus position while her left hand supports her head.

"Oh... Okay! But it doesn't matter you were not Prom Queen cos of that bitch. Because to me, you're still my Prom Queen. How do you feel?"

"Well, I woke up fine. But mehn, you wouldn't believe Tunrayo. I don't know how I got to bed. Last thing I remember was Mom's lecture and my drifting away to sleep."

"Really? Mom still gave you a lecture?" Tunrayo laughs and Deola follows suit, their combining laughter rippling through the room.

"I tell you,

"Wait, wait wait. I called Tade?" Deola waves her hands frantically as she sounds excited.

"Oh... What about it? Did he profess his love for you?"

"What? Tee... How can you be so loose like..."

"What?" Deola could almost hear the pout on the line. "After all, the guy was all over you yesterday." Tunrayo giggled, while Deola frowned in return.

"So?" Deola puts a tough 'i-dont-care' look on.

"Eh, babe, let me just clear you. If you don't want to go, I'll go on your behalf."

"What?" Deola is startled as she makes to speak more words but Tunrayo continues.

"Infact what am I saying? Since you don't like that a fine boy wants to see you, me, I like the boys too. And it's just because you're my friend that's why I haven't thrown myself at him already." Deola could almost hear the daydreaming smile Tunrayo would put on now.

"Are you crazy? If you like him that much.. then go and date him. Humpfh" Deola snorts, her eyes widened ina plethora of disbelief and anger.

"Yes, thank you! Infact I won't only date him, I'm going to screw you and give him the ride of a life." Tunrayo teases

"What?" She slaps the bed. " Infact, I swear to God, if I see you near Tade, I promise I will send you to your grave because it's me Tade was fawning over, not you. So don't you dare steal my shine!"

"Huhuhu... Are you not the one that said me to go ahead? Or do you like Me Poisedon already, this bad? Don't worry, Mr Poisedon is your, Deola." Tunrayo laughs as Deola frown lightens.

Deola heaves. "So you're sighing in relief, right. Hehe... Anyways, that picture of you two kissing... It's so-so romantic." Tunrayo put in.

"What picture? Kiss?" Deola's eyes widen once more as she hugs herself with the free hand.

"The one at the shore na. When you guys were thrown out by the wave, remember? I wanted to send it to you this morning after I woke but my data finished just then and I've not had time to subscribe yet."

"Oh!" Deola slaps her head. " No need to send it. Just delete it." At this Tunrayo giggles in the call.

"You know I won't. By the way, have you been online?"

"No, why?"

"Ah... It's everywhere Dee. There was a septic tank explosion at Prom after we left." Deola's lips form an O as she listens to her friend.

"Nobody was hurt except for Grace. It seemed like she was the target of the explosion or something. "

"What?" Deola is unable to believe her ears. "That's bad. I feel sorry for her."

"I know right. I found pictures people took of her soaking drenched in feaces. It was urh... disgusting. And I'm pretty sure that incident will leave her a scar on her psychology."

"Yes yes... Her pictures will be everywhere, so even f she recovers from this, due to the type of her person, those pictures online of her would further devastat. I feel bad for her."

"Ah?" Tunrayo gave a short shout. "Who you feeling bad for? The girl that wanted you to take a shit on yourself.. I heard before the explosion, that she was gang raped at the females rest room by Felix and his friends. They got arrested but they said a certain fair skinned, blue blazer guy led them to the restroom and left them there to do their thing."

Deola could feel a headache splitting her head now. Insomuch as Grace had wronged her, she did not deserve all the things that happened to her last night, Deola mused.

And with a long face, she spoke. "Tee, I think I'm feeling sick. Listening to all of this... Can we talk later?"

"Oh...okay! Go ahead but promise you will go see Tade tomorrow?"

"Okay okay! I would!" She says, laying down as she cuts the phone call, rubbing her temple softly.

This morning was one heck of a lot!


A/N: Enjoyed writing this chapter alot! Happens This lady is so soft at heart. Imagine.. hehe!