Lore Chapter #2 (Gods)

Gods are the most powerful beings in existence, and are the protectors of creation. They have so much power, that they are forced to live within a higher plane of existence known as the realm of gods. This realm is the only place where gods can exist without tearing the universe asunder

For example, if a god was ever stupid enough to enter the lower realms. Reality itself would shatter under such pressure. Causing space to implode into black holes, the space time continuum to shatter, and several other fun things as well. The god would also receive serious damage, as the lower realms do not have the types and quantities of energy required to sustain themselves. This lack of energy would also weaken the gods defenses. Making it possible for the black holes and other things the gods presence creates to harm the god

Even if harmed however, the god will not die. As gods have reached the level in which the term death is meaningless before them. If a god ever did receive any serious damage, they would simply lose some of their divine power. If a god runs out of divine power, they would simply go into a dormant state until their divine power restores itself

[This ends the intro, everything's going to be more organized from now on]

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-Beings of supreme power, and are impossible to kill, destroy, etc. Even if a god tries to kill another god, it wouldn't work

-So powerful that they can only exist within the realm of gods

-Have abilities, personalities, and appearances similar to whatever they represent (Most of the time)

-Gods are born from the laws of reality itself. And basically serve as caretakers of their universe, dimension, reality, or whatever else they were born into

-Gods may not be able to enter the lower realms themselves, but if they use enough of their divine energy, they can influence reality itself through divine intervention. Some examples would be things like divine protection, blessings, and the magic of their priests

-Gods gain more power through their believers and worshippers. And they may select certain individuals to be their representatives in which they can shortly speak to. If the individuals faith is strong, the god can speak even longer, use more blessings, and use stronger blessings

-There are five types of gods. Lawful gods, neutral gods, evil gods, chaos gods, and omni gods

-Lawful gods are gods like Paladar the god of light, and Dauros, the god of heros. The lawful gods are considered good, but in reality, what's good and evil is determined by an individual. So while most people in the elven, human, and other similar races think the lawful gods are considered good, and the evil gods are considered evil. If you were to ask a goblin or ratman, the reverse might be said...

-Neutral gods are gods like Sol, the goddess of the sun, Luna, the goddess of the moon, and Pyros, the god of fire. These gods are universally considered neutral because their power falls into a grey zone between the lawful and evil gods, like the fire god Pyros. The law of reality he embodies can be used to destroy things, burn forests to the ground, and much more. However, that fire could also be used to light a fire to keep people warm, light up a dark cave, cook food, and to protect you and your loved ones from things that want to harm you

-Evil gods are gods like Nyx, the goddess of darkness, and Necra, the goddess of the undead. And while some evil gods truly are cruel and villainous. Some gods like Nyx are categorized as a evil god because the law of reality they represent usually does more bad than good, like how most humanoid races fear the dark. Because when it gets dark, some monsters become more active, thieves and bandits strike, and people disappear. Unlike some other humanoid and demi human races who see the darkness as a saving grace. This is mostly because it's a good place for them to hide from the other humanoid races like humans that threaten them. So in their eyes, Nyx is a lawful god, while the lawful gods are evil

-Chaos gods are despised by the rest of the gods due to the nature of their existence, as a chaos god embodies two opposite laws of reality at the same time. Making them much more powerful than most other gods. However, the two conflicting laws of reality make them highly unstable and... You probably guessed it by now... Chaotic..... Effectively making them both the saviors and destroyers of their followers. So be prepared to lose everything if you become a chaos god worshiper, as it is basically just a giant gamble. You could gain a lot from it in a very short time, but you could also lose all of it just as fast... There was one man however who managed to gain great power through the chaos gods, and caused so much chaos and destruction to the point where the draconic council was forced to stop him from causing any more destruction... but his tale will be saved for a different chapter...

-Omni gods are quite simple really... They basically the administrator (admin) for each universe, reality, or dimension. Simply put, they are the god of gods, and report directly to THE god. Who is neither an omni god, chaos god, or any other type of god. As he is just simply god, and has complete control over everything and everything. Now back to the topic of omni gods, they don't mess with or interact with the lower realms in any way. And all they really do is relay and follow instructions from THE god, which rarely ever happens... Also, omni gods don't require any power from believers, as they receive energy from THE god. However, if mortals do decide to worship an omni god, they won't really receive anything from it. And the omni god will just divide the energy gained from worship evenly with all the other gods he supervises

-THE god is the most powerful being in all of existence. His power is infinite, he manages infinite omniverses, realities, planes of existence, timelines, and whatever else there could possibly be out there. And even if I kept trying to explain it all, it wouldn't work. As god knows about things that the no one will ever be able to make sense of. So in the end, the only way to make sense of why god decides to do things the way he does, like reincarnate a 16 year old into a dungeon core in the middle of the ocean, will forever remain a mystery... He didn't have to do it, but I guess he just did it on a whim, or for fun, or... I don't really know... He just did it, and the reasons for why will forever remain a mystery...

(Holy Magic)

-Holy magic is used by priests, paladins, etc. With the source of their power being the god they worship

-Holy magic is activated through the use of ones mana to access the realm of gods in order to channel their gods power. Of course mana could never hope to access the realm of the gods normally, even if one where to gather all the mana in the world. Instead, the mana acts like a beacon for the gods, allowing them to use significantly less power in accessing the lower realms. Holy magic can take several different forms like blessings, divine intervention, or just using the default holy magic to smite that one goblin on the side of the road that looked at you funny... (Don't worry, it's perfectly ethical to do that. You, a mighty bringer of divine justice could tell at a glance that the goblin you just killed was definitely evil)

-If a large number of holy magic users spend a large amount of time organizing, gathering materials, and building a ritual cite. They can create, charge up, and activate a holy magic array to channel the power of the gods in order to use holy magic on such a massive scale, you could compare it to a atomic bomb (Or a hydrogen bomb... It depends on how much time and preparation goes into the ritual cite. And if done for a long enough time, the amount of power released could possibly even dwarf the Tsar Bomba... Or maybe even more than that...)

(List of Gods) [This list will be updated as the story progresses]

(Lawful) Paladar: God of light, and Nyx, the goddess of darkness, is his younger sister. And he doesn't appreciate the amount of bullying she puts him through. As everything she does seems to just be done in an attempt to get some sort of reaction out of him, regardless of the cost...

(Lawful) Dauros: The god of heros, he is one of the oldest gods, and his power is almost equal to that of a chaos god

(Evil) Nyx: Goddess of darkness, and Paladar, the god of light, is her brother. She uses all the power she collects without hesitation to annoy, bully, and bother Paladar. Dauros often tells her that if she focused her attention on her duties of a goddess, she would become one of the most successful gods/goddesses ever, but no... She just enjoys seeing her dear older brothers face every time she has one of her followers secretly repaint his picture in the vatican so that it looks like he's picking his nose... Or when she has one one of her followers temporarily blind someone putting the finishing touches on his statue, causing it to fall onto the nearby church :3

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Meanwhile, in the realm of the gods... Nyx is carelessly laying on the rug in the middle of her room. She currently has the appearance of a child with long black hair and purple eyes, and is wearing messy looking black pajamas

As she lays on the rug, she hums to herself as if she was expecting something. She snaps her fingers and a timer appears before her. And she looks at the clock with a stupid grin on her face for a bit before speaking

(Nyx) "He should arrive right... About..... Now" [:3]

*thump thump thuMP THUMP THUMP*

Loud footsteps could be heard in the distance, getting closer and closer... And once they finally reach Nyx's door, An armored foot kicks the door down

(Nyx) "Aww, you could have just knocked you know"

Nyx claps her hands and the broken door disappears, and the doorframe fixes itself. And all that's left standing where the door used to be is a very worried, confused, and angry Paladar... He currently has white hair, golden eyes, around 6 to 7 feet tall, and is wearing a full set of white plate armor without the helmet

(Paladar) "Explain!!!"

Paladar projects and then points to the wars and crusades that the Holy Paladarian Empire is currently waging. Wars and crusades in which thousands upon thousands are dieing...

(Nyx) "*Phhhh* You should look at your face right now hahahahaha! Seriously, SERIOUSLY, I JUST CAN'T!!!!! HAHAHAHA!!!!!" [xD]

Nyx starts hysterically laughing whilst rolling around on the floor, pointing at a very... very unfortunate Paladar...

(Paladar) "Answer me!!!" [D:<]

(Nyx) "My eyes are watering! Seriously, their watering *HAHAHA-*" [x3]

(Paladar) "NYX!!!" [Dx<]

(Nyx) "Okay, okay. Fine, I'll tell you, I'll tell, okay, just wait... *phhh*, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Please, wait *sigh*... Okay I'm-"

(Nyx) "*mn.....*" Nyx has a look on her face like she's desperately trying to hold in her laughter

(Paladar) "..."

(Nyx) "........ *Pphhhhh* HAHAHA! I'M SORRY, I, HAHAHA!!!, YOUR FACE!!!!!"

Paladars anger starts turning into sorrow and embarrassment. His eyes start to water, and his facial expression into something that looks very sad and pitiful

(Paladar) "Nyx, please, I'm going to cry, I'm seriously going to cry!" [Dx]

(Nyx) "WAIT, WAAIIIIIT!, That's the best face I've seen yet! HAHAHA, I, just, I, HAHA!!, I need to take a picture, that face is priceless, just, Hehehe!"

Nyx pulls a camera out of thin air and takes a picture of Paladars face

(Paladar) "Please Nyx, just give me an explanation..."

(Nyx) "Hmm? But they're your followers, so I don't get why your asking me?"

(Paladar) "First of all... I've tried to get them to stop, but for some reason my messages to the pope have only been inspiring more crusades, so I'm confused. And second of all, while no mortals could sense it, I could sense a very tiny amount of your energy there... So please explain why my followers are killing everyone in my name..."

(Nyx) "Weeeeeeell, I may have censored, switched around, and changed a few minor details in the messages you sent through to the pope..."

(Paladar) "Eeh..."

(Nyx) "Like when you sent the message saying, stop the crusades!, I'd use a lot of my energy to intercept it, add in a word, and then let the message, don't stop the crusades!, through to the your pope"

(Paladar) "But why Nyx, why would you do this... This is by far the worst of all the things you've done to me up to this point..."

(Nyx) "I know it seems like a lot but IT WAS WORTH IT, your reaction this time around is priceless, and it was worth every point of energy I spent to see it"

(Paladar) "Nyx..."

Paladar clenches his fist in anger as he approaches Nyx. Seeing this, Nyx just gives him a playful look before standing up

(Nyx) "Oh no? Sir paladin is going to mercilessly kill this heretic! Everyone run for your lives!!!"

Nyx then proceeds to immaturely throws her arms in the air as she childishly runs around Paladar and out the door...

(Paladar) "NYX!!! GET BACK HERE!!!"

Paladar then proceeds to chase Nyx out the door as she giggles and laughs at his attempt to catch her

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Here's my discord like always
