Harrison Wells


December 24 2006, was the day when I thought that my life was over when a group of thugs tried to assault me, it was at that moment a real life angel came to my rescue, maybe I was a teenager back then and thought him to be an angel in my own childish way but even till now he is my angel , maybe people didn't believe me back then but who cares about other people he is a hero in my eyes and his heroic figure has always inspired me to move forward no matter what happens in life, but after exactly one year the person who I considered to be my love of life betrayed and cheated me with my own sister making me break down entirely but after some time I tried to forget the pain and anguish and even madly went to the same alley at late night in hopes of seeing him once more and after my unsuccessful attempt, I self motivated and went on with my life imagining him to be always there watching over me like a guardian angel and for a long time I was genuinely happy and found love again in tommy. But one year back in 2012, oliver presumed dead came back alive and after tommy's death I totally shut myself of from outside world and after a long days of shutting myself I came to office today , and after janet showed me the video on tv, all the sadness was swept away like it didn't exist at all because I saw the heroic figure after a very very long time and I knew that hope has returned to me again .


As I was blankly starring at the tv screen janet besides me shook me up, after a while I came back to my senses and I felt extremely happy and the fog of sadness and depression has been swept away in my heart and instead hope and inspiration filled me , I looked at janet who was worriedly looking at me , then I smiled and said " janet I'm okay maybe more than okay , you can leave now"

After janet left I once again looked at news and felt extremely happy because my guardian angel, dr fate has returned.

Central city hospital,

While chris was consoling the wests, three figures came into the room, then chris immediately turned to look at them and there was some anger in his eyes after looking at the person in the wheel chair but he immediately calmed himself down.

The three people came closer to us and the person in the wheel chair spoke " let me introduce myself I am Harrison wells"

Then joe besides immediately flew into rage and went to beat him up but chris stopped him in the nick of time

Wells" I know you might be very angry on me but I can assure you that I can bring that young man lying over there back to full health" he spoke while pointing towards barry.

Joe " how dare you to show your face after what you have done"

Wells " I am indeed saddened and feeling self guilty over what has happened and I am trying to help all the people affected in that explosion, and I can say for sure that no hospital can cure him"

Chris knew for sure that in the beginning stages of barry as a superhero eobard thawne was like a teacher albeit the reason for teaching was not pure but he was extremely good at teaching barry.

Then I convinced both joe and iris saying that the explosion may not be normal and general hospitals might not be of any help at all, and after a while joe cooled down,

Joe looking towards well's and said " I will give barry to you , but if you try anything funny I will see that you will stay behind the bars for your entire life"

Well's " fear not detective for barry will definitely be fine under the care of star labs"

Afterwards barry was shifted to star labs and I again consoled joe and iris and then went back to my own home. After understanding that it will take 9 months for barry to wake up, I must understand the powers that are in me to help people more efficiently, after thinking for a while I went to sleep , suddenly my consciousness was transferred to an empty space with only a triangular object floating there mysteriously.