The Royal Academy

The carriage entered a huge gate with the logo of the Royal Academy. I looked outside, excited to see the area. But just after entering, I only see rows of trees and greeneries and I frowned a little bit disappointed.

"The academy grounds are quite big." Eric said as if reading my mind. "You will see the establishments after a little bit."

"Really?" My expression was just disappointed a while ago beamed in excitement.

"Yes." Eric replied with a smile. "The academy grounds have many establishments such as the huge library that the kingdom boasts about and the magic tower. The living dormitories are also huge. They are divided by class nobility. Because our family is of ducal class, we will be staying with families from royalty and marquess class."

"Then we will be staying with the crown prince?" I asked in wonder.

"Technically, yes. But the establishment is also divided by gender." Eric explained. "The east wing is where the females reside while the west wing is where the males are. Our dormitory consists of the luxury that our family's class should have, and so we have a big lounge area. There are small salons available for private tea breaks as well. There is a spa, a swimming pool, the garden outside is also beautiful and well maintained. There is also a common dining, but you can also ask to send your meals in your room if you want to eat by yourself. The servant's quarters are found on the adjacent building. They also have their necessities readily available there if you are worried about Derrick."

Hearing Eric describe the dormitory made me feel in awe. Such luxuries are available for nobilities. I just realized how filthy rich I am in this life. In my former world I was an orphan, and so I worked hard to get a scholarship and work while studying. When I entered college, I lived in a shared dormitory with a little room with four residents. If there is something I am happy about in this life, then that is I was given this experience to live in luxury.

"Well I am not that worried about Derrick." I said. "He is a sworn knight, so I am sure they will give him good treatment here. But after your explanation, I am set at ease."

"That is to be expected." Eric said with a frown.

I smiled knowing that Eric and Derrick had a frenemy relationship. They consider each other's as rivals in so many ways but they have respect on one another.

Not long I start to see establishments along the way. Eric who was like a tour guide, started to tell me what each establishment are. I looked around in amazement.

Not long the carriage stopped in one of the establishments. The building was quite big, like a mansion.

"We are here in our dormitory." Eric said.

Eric opened the carriage door and offered his hand to me. I took it and came down the carriage as well.

"Wow…" I whispered. "It is quite beautiful."

"Yes, it is." Eric said.

Of course, this is also an establishment where members of the royal family reside. It should be high in standards. The maids are also outside to welcome our arrival.

"Ysa, this is Mrs. Elsa." Eric introduced me to a middle age woman. "She is the head mistress in this dorm."

"Good day to you, young lady Broderick." Mrs. Elsa curtsied and gave me a respectful greeting. "Welcome to the Diamond Dormitory. This is the dormitory for the high class nobility including the royal family. I am the person in charge of this dormitory and to make sure your stay here more comfortable."

"Thank you, Mrs. Elsa." I give my thanks. "Oh, can you please also help my knight be situated in his quarters as well. We had a long journey and needs rest."

"Of course, my lady." Mrs. Elsa replied. "You, please lead sir knight to his quarters." She ordered a male servant.

"Right this way sir knight." The male servant said respectfully.

"I am fine my lady. I would like to help you get situated first." Derrick said.

"There is no need Derrick. The maids here will do that work." Eric said with a cold tone. "Please take the baggage to our assigned rooms." He gave ordered to the other maids.

"Well see you later Derrick." I said. "Let us meet later once we have rested, okay?"

Derrick was a little hesitant at first but complied in the end. "As you wish my lady."

Derrick took his belongings and followed the male servant to get situated in his quarters. I on the other hand, carried my duffle bag when I felt someone snatch it from my hand.

"Let me help you with this." A voice I am not familiar with said.

When I looked around, I saw a young man with blonde hair and bright as the sun and red shining ruby eyes.

"Y-Your highness!" I said in surprise. "My apologies. I greet the future sun of the Argentine Kingdom." I come to my senses and curtsied.

"Stand up Ysa. No need for formalities." Noctis said with a bright tone.

I was taken aback with the crown prince calling me by my nickname. Only my family and close friends call me by my nickname. Then I remember one of the letters he sent. He asked me if he can also call me by my nickname because he wants to be closer to me.

"Y-Yes, your highness." I said shyly.

Looking at him, he grew up quite fine. Well 'quite fine' is an understatement. I am surrounded by good looking men, but his features define the word 'handsome' in all ways. Looking at him made my heart thump.

*badump badump*

I hit my chest instinctively. 'Slow down you damn heart.' I scold it. 'He is just a little more handsome that the others.'

My father and brother are both handsome, but they are in the category of family and so I am immune to their charms. Eric and Derrick on the other hand were male leads, and so sometimes if I am taken by surprise my heart also thumps when I am hit with their male lead charms. But the crown prince's charms are in another level.

'And I thought I would get used to the ML's charms with two by my side.' I sighed internally.

"Are you alright Ysa?" Noctis asked worriedly when I was in a daze just now. "Maybe you are tired. Come, let me escort you to your room."

"I-I am fine your highness." I said with an awkward tone. "I can go by myself."

I can feel the gaze of everyone around on the both of us if the crown prince gives me a special treatment, rumors about us will spread and I don't like that.

"Your highness, you do not have to go out of your way to escort 'my' sister." Eric interjected coldly. "I can escort her myself."

'Way the go Eric!' I cheered Eric internally. 'After this, I will bake you some cookies that you love as a thank you.'

Eric tried to get my duffle bag that the prince was carrying but Noctis evaded him.

"I 'insist', Eric." Noctis said. The two had a stare off. I was in the middle of a tight situation.

"Both of you can escort me." I said in defeat. Well at least the crown prince won't escort me alone.

The two was in an agreement and took each of my hands.

"This way then." Noctis said.

I sighed internally, seeing that I am in such an awkward situation.

Edited By: nalyn