The Last Possible Male Lead

"So, this is where you ran to." A voice of a man said.

I looked at where the voice came from, and a figure of a man wearing a dark purple robe came out of the woods. The man was holding the glowing chain while taking off his hood. I saw a beautiful face of a young man, much more beautiful than any girl I know. He had his long dark gray hair in a ponytail and his eyes were of the same color.

"You be a good boy and come back to your cage." The young man said with a chilling smile, that made his beautiful face look sinister.


The beast roared so loud with the appearance of this young man. It thrashed around trying to get the chain on his neck off him. The young man held the glowing chain more tightly, trying to subdue the trashing beast.

"Ugh, you really don't want to go back now, do you?" The young man said.

The serpent tail spitted acid towards the young man, making him leap out of the way. This made the chimera have time to get the chains loose. The serpent tail sprayed acid towards the glowing chain and it melted, freeing the chimera.

'F*ck…" The young man cursed. "You were able to make your acid to be more potent in captivity, that even the cage you were in and my chain used with magic break."


"I WON'T GO BACK TO THAT WRETCHED PLACE, HUMAN!!!" The chimera said with fury.

It launched itself towards the young man. It bared its claws, ready to cut the young man before him to pieces. But the young man was able to dodge the chimera's attack.

"Fire arrows." The young man exclaimed and out of nowhere, fire with the shape of arrows appeared out of nowhere.

The fire arrows launched towards the beast hitting it. The beast roared in pain.


"Just give up and come back peacefully." The young man said.

"NEVER." The chimera roared.

The beast opened its mouth brandishing its teeth. Then I saw smoke coming out of its mouth, like it was breathing fire.

The young man saw this and started to chant some words. The next thing I saw was a fire ball came out of the beast's mouth and fired towards the young man. My eyes went wide looking at the young man just standing there.

"Run!" I shouted to the young man, but he did not move even an inch.

When the fore ball was inches from the young man it hit some king of invisible wall. The impact was great that I was blown away, nearly falling off the cliff. Fortunately, I was able to grab on a thick branch of a tree near me.

The smoke cleared and the young man was standing unscathed.

"You really want to do this the hard way, huh?" The young man said. He kneeled and put his palms on the ground. "Ice make…"

Ice started to crawl from his hands on to the ground towards the beast. The beast saw this and was able to fly out of the way, but then the young man raised his hands high up.

"Ice bolder!" The young man shouted.

A big block of ice was hovering above the flying beast. It was not able to dodge in time and was hit head on. The beast came crashing down hard.

"Ice make!" The young man said once more.

This time the chimera was not able to dodge the ice attack. Its feet were the first to turn into ice and it crept towards its body until all of it is frozen.

Seeing that the chimera was frozen into place, I breathed a sigh of relief. At last the beast was subdued, thanks to this young man.

I stood up from where I was looking at the young man with wonder. I suspect that this man is a wizard from the magic tower, with him using magic and all to subdue the chimera.

"Umm, thank you." I said while limping towards the young man.

The young man looked at me with his icy cold gaze and said nothing. It was as if I did something wrong.

"The area around the magic tower is off limits to students." The young man said with an icy tone. "It is because something like this can happened."

"I… I didn't know." I said feeling embarrassed. "Me and some acquaintances were just walking and passed by and…" I was not able to finish my sentence when he cut me off rudely.

"You and your friends go back." The young lad said. "You should let someone tend to your wound." He said and turned his back on me.

This young man was rather rude. But I cannot blame him, I trespassed here without even knowing that it was off limits.

"Yes, I am sorry. But still thank you for saving me." I said and bowed my head. "By the way, my name is Alyssa Yvonne Broderick. If there is anything that I can do for you as repayment for saving me, then please come and find me."

The young man took a peak back at me. "I don't need repayment. It is my job to subdue this test subject." The young man said. "Because you have told me your name, it is right to tell mine. I am Kyle Michael Fleuret. Now go back and take your friends with you."

'Fleuret?' I thought to myself. 'Isn't Fleuret one of the four ducal houses of Argentine Kingdom? As I remember the great wizard was the second son of the Fleuret family. That means he is also one of the possible male leads.'

I was surprised that I was able to meet another male lead in this kind of situation. But unfortunately, we come to a bad start. I trespassed into the magic tower's domain and was being scolded by him because of it. I made a bad first impression.

"I am sorry for trespassing once again. This will never happen again." I bowed my head to try to salvage my first impression. "Then I will go now and… watch out!"

I was about to say that we and my acquaintances will go back to our dormitory when I saw that the chimera's serpent tail was able to melt out of the ice that Kyle created. It was about to spray its acid towards Kyle.

My body just moved on its own and blocked the acid attack towards Kyle. I felt a burning sensation on my back.

"Ahhhhh…!!!" I screamed from the top of my lungs. My back was like it was on fire and melting towards my bones.

Kyle who was in front of me had his eyes wide in surprise. I cannot support my body any longer due to the pain and so was about to fall when he caught me in his arms. His face was grim with anger.

"Light Pillars!!!" Kyle shouted in rage.

I saw light pillars sprung out of the ground and impaled the frozen chimera. Its blood spilled to the ground.

"Ms. Alyssa… Ms. Alyssa." I can se Kyle calling for me.

I can feel that the burning sensation started to subside with something cool from my back. The last thing I saw was Kyle calling my name until I blacked out.

Edited by: nalyn