She has already finished with what she was doing but Yan Mor Tee and Song Mingsheng hasn't stopped talking to each other yet. She took a glance at them in a slightly opened door of her bedroom and saw that they were seriously discussing. She oftenly caught Yan Mor Tee nodded in what had Song Mingsheng had told him. She tried to come closer so she could hear their conversation but have decided not to eavesdrop.
She went to the kitchen instead and looked at the fridge to check what she can prepare for dinner.
She took out some chicken meat and vegetables from the fridge and started to prepare some chicken veggies salad.
She has started to marinate the chicken with pepper and squeeze a drop of lemon when her phone rang.
It was Lee Jin Ho who was calling from the other line.
"Hello Jin Ho." She answered the call as she sprinkled some thyme to the chicken.
She heard Lee Jin Ho's excited voice. "I'm already here at your office lobby. Are you done with your work now?"
Song Dei Si suddenly remembered that Lee Jin Ho will pick her up to send her home. It has slipped her mind so she apologetically answered him "I'm sorry Lee Jin Ho something came up this afternoon that I need to come home early, I have forgotten to inform you not to pick me up. I'm already home"
"Ohh" he said in a worried tone. He knew Song Dei Si will not stood him up if the matter that she had attended to was not important. "Is everything's okay back home?"
She felt the concern on Lee Jin Ho's voice and that made her feel more guilty. She doesn't know how to tell him that she married somebody else on the same day that she rejected his marriage proposal She doesn't have the heart to hurt him that much.
"Yeah everything's fine" she told him to ease his worrisome.
"What's for dinner? Are you trying to showcase your cooking skills to me now?" A curious voice from Yan Mor Tee that came from her behind has been heard. She almost dropped her phone as she was surprised from his sudden appearance.
"Is that Yan Mor Tee?" She could hear Lee Jin Ho's voice asking her question.
"Uhm." She said in a very low voice.
"Does the important thing that you've done this afternoon has something to do with him?"
She did not respond. She suddenly felt that Yan Mor Tee has grabbed her waist from behind. "Hmmm that chicken looks so inviting" he said as he clung his chin on her shoulder as he wrapped her from his embrace.
"I guess you're busy. I'll just call you some other time." Lee Jin Ho said with disappointment.
"OK" she said and press the end button when he said goodbye from the othe line.
"Who called you?" Yan Mor Tee curiously asked.
"It was Lee Jin Ho." She honestly told him as there's no use of denying it.
Yan Mor Tee knitted his eyebrows. "Why did he call?"
She was hesitant if she will tell him the reason as this may stir him up knowing how bad his temper was but decided to be honest with him anyway.
"He was supposed to pick me up at the office to send me home."
As expected he received a cold looked from Yan Mor Tee. "Have you told him not to bother you anymore because you're a married woman now."
"Not yet." She nervously answered him.
"Do you have any plans of telling him?"
She could feel that Yan Mor Tee was trying to suppress him temper.
She nodded.
"Then do it sooner" he said commandingly.
"Uhm" she said and tried to get away from his embrace.
Yan Mor Tee felt a sharp pain from his heart knowing that Song Dei Si was trying to hide the truth and her current civil status to Lee Jin Ho.