Song Dei Si was organizing her swimwear in her luggage when Yan Mor Tee snapped her "Hey, are you going to wear that skimpy 2-pc at the beach?"

She looked at him and nodded. "Uhm"

"Don't you have anything which is not too revealing?"

"What's wrong with this? It is normal to wear this swimwear at the beach."

"Uhm, yeah but it is too revealing. I don't want to see some other guy feasting on your body. That's only for my viewing pleasure" Yan Mor Tee told her as he shyly giggled.

She looked at him surprised and realized that he has always been conservative. She suddenly remembered when he tried to cover her body when they went out for a swimming party with their classmates on Senior High. Yan Mor Tee was surprised to see her wearing a one piece bathing suit and ordered her to wear his beach short. She was annoyed because she felt so outcast when her all female classmates were wearing bikinis, but the feeling of wearing his beach short made it feel so homey.

She sighed. "Okay then, I'll bring some 1 pc."

"Perfect!" He smiled at her showing his pearl teeth then her heart has melted.

"Are you excited?"

She smiled at him and said "Yeah!" She hasn't been into the beach for a long time and the thought of visiting Pulongsea and to stay there for one week with him excites her more.


Yan Mor Tee has just finished his call with his father before they entered the departure gate.

"What did he say?!" She asked him.

"He had no choice. He needs to oversee Yan Enterprise while I'm away."

"Did you tell him about us?"


"What was his reaction?"

"He wasn't surprised at all"

She knitted her brows. "Really? We're not in a relationship and then suddenly we got married, why was he not surprised at all?"

"He will be more surprised if you have married somebody else."

She was about to ask him a follow up question when they heard the announcement for the last call to onboard all the passengers on their flight going to the Philippines.

"Let's hurry before we miss our flight" Yan Mor Tee told her and grabbed her hand.

She walked fast with him and has forgotten to ask him more questions.