The whole elite class has formed themselves into a circle. At the center, you can see an empty bottle of beer. The celebrant has announced the game's rule. If the tip of the spinned bottle stop at your direction, you're gonna be asked if it's "Truth or Consequence?"

If Truth, someone from the participants can ask any question and the you have to answer it truthfully.

If Consequence, someone will going to give a command that you must obey. If you didn't follow their command, you've got your consequence: To drink a full glass of beer.

So everyone was so excited when the birthday celebrant has started to spin the bottle.

But not Song Dei Si.

She was so nervous that she was holding her breath while the bottle was spinning.

Why does she have the feeling that on that night, before the party ends, her relationship with Yan Mor Tee will be revealed.

So when the spinning bottle has stopped in front of Ho Min Lin who was standing beside her. She heaved a sigh of relief.

"Truth or Consequence?"

"Truth" Ho Min Lin was full of confidence to tell the truth and nothing but truth.

The whole crowd gave her a proud chant!

"That's Min Lin! My forever crush is so brave." Someone chanted.

The crowd laughed and jokingly said that the guy who has a crush with Min Lin was automatically disqualified in the game because he told the truth even without someone asking for it.

Tan Ji Nan gazed automatically swept into the guy's direction and size him up.

He gave him a frosty look and then looked at Ho Min Lin and uttered. 'So another guy has a long time crush on you huh?'

"Who among the guys here is your crush?"

"Jin Ho." She bravely answered. Her classmate was no longer surprised because everyone knows that she likes Lee Jin Ho for several years now.

Tan Ji Nan's shoulder suddenly fell. Though he had expected it, why does it still hurt?

The next spinned bottle stopped in front of Lee Jin Ho.

"Woah, is it about time for you to tell us the truth, that you also have a feeling for Ho Min Lin?" The birthday celebrant commented. "So is it truth or consequence."

"Consequence" Lee Jin Ho answered.

"Approach the girl who you like then?" Someone gave him the command.

Lee Jin Ho formed a smile on his lips and gradually went to Song Dei Si's location.

Everyone was surprised. How hurtful it could be for Min Lin that the boy he likes was crushing on her bestfriend?

But when they looked at Ho Min Lin's expression, they couldn't see any tinge of hurtfulness.

If Ho Min Lin was not bothered, Yan Mor Tee was. He formed a fist and gave Lee Jin Ho a frosty look.

'This bastard will really took every opportunity to snatch my girl'

Song Dei Si's gaze went directly to Yan Mor Tee's direction and she could clearly see that her boyfriend was emitting such anger.

She lowered down her head.

When the celebrant has started spinning the bottle again, Song Dei Si has stormed the good heaven to have the spinning bottle not to stop in front of her. But the more she would like to avoid it, the heaven was telling her that she could not escape the truth.

"Truth or Consequence?"

She was undecided at first what to choose. If she will choose, 'Truth' the crowd will surely asked her what's the real score between her and the Young Master and she realized that she wasn't ready yet to tell them the truth. If she will reveal their relationship and it goes to her father's radar, she's dead. So she chose 'Consequence'. By choosing it at least she can avoid following the order and just take the consequence by gulping a full glass of beer.

The crowd was disappointed when she refused to follow the order. They wanted to know the truth instead of giving her punishment.

She never drink a beer her whole life so the punishment was a huge one for her.

When the celebrant handed her a glass full of beer, her hand was trembling when she lifted it up to put onto her mouth.

But before it reached her mouth, someone has grabbed it.

Everyone was in shocked when Yan Mor Tee gulped the glass full of beer in one go.

Song Dei Si has rolled her eyes and bowed her head.

She wanted to hide at that moment.

This fellow has just made another statement.


The game has ended but either Yan Mor Tee or Song Dei Si has never admitted the real score between them.

But it was pretty obvious that Yan Mor Tee's eyes was on hers.

Actions speak louder than words.

Even without spilling the beans, their actions were telling the whole elite class the truth.

Song Dei Si and Ho Min Lin came back to their pool side table but Tan Ja Nin went to other direction. She went out away from the crowd. She wanted to leave the place because she knew that any moment her tears will eventually fall.

She was afraid to know the truth. So she didn't want to ask Song Dei Si the real score between her and Yan Mor Tee. But their actions was telling her that she should stop dreaming that Yan Mor Tee will treat her more than just a sister. The boy she put on the pedestal since she was kid was inlove with somebody else.

He was inlove with one of her bestfriends.

Thou the friendship between her and Song Dei Si has just started lately but it was so deep and she could not afford to let her go either.

So she tried to ignore what's happening between them for she thought that ignorance will lessen the pain.

But it didn't.

Her heart was breaking so bad that it was about to explode.

Before she knew it, she fell down on her knees and sob to her heart's content.


Tan Ja Nin was hopelessly crying when Tan Ji NaN found her. When he didn't see his twin sister from the crowd, he looked around for her and was disappointed when he saw how devastated her sister was.

She was hurting so bad.

He pulled up her twin sister from kneeling at the ground and embraced her.

He didn't know what to say.

All he could do was to embrace her to let her know that he will always be there for his twin sister.

No matter what.