Tan Ja Nin smiled sweetly at Lee Jin Ho then pulled herself out of the bed. She picked up her clothes then put it on. 

"Where are you going?" Lee Jin Ho frowned.

"I'll cook dinner. Aren't you hungry?" Tan Ja Nin answered. 

"I'll already had my fill!" Said Lee Jin Ho, teasingly. 

Tan Ja Nin hissed "Gangster!" She picked up a pillow then thrown it to Lee Jin Ho!

Lee Jin Ho chuckled and raised his hands to block off the pillow. 

Tan Ja Nin curled up her lips when she strode off. 


The next day, Tan Ja Nin woke up at 5AM to prepare Lee Jin Ho's breakfast. She tried to taste the congee that she was cooking and she couldn't help but smile when it tastes good.

"Let me taste it too." Tan Ja Nin was shocked when she heard Lee Jin Ho's voice from behind. He tucked in his chin into her shoulder and put his arms around her waist.