The beginning

As days go on they begin to get accustomed to each other. They grew a friendly relation and Anaya gets to know about Anshika from Dheer. On knowing their story she began to develop hope that if Anshika didn't come back to Dheer side maybe she could spend her life with him because more she knew about him, the deeper she fell. However, she was good at hiding her feelings so Dheer had no idea about this. Dheer also began to grow some feelings for her which even he didn't know. If she was late he would feel worried, if she had to stay at the hospital for two days he would get worried whether she had eaten or not, and if she had to make late-night calls to discuss any case with male coworkers he would feel uneasy. But he didn't notice these changes.

However, his friends had noticed his worry about Anaya and were more than happy with these changes. They hoped that he would get out of the past and start a new happy future with Anaya. As they didn't like Anshika and would love to see Anaya and Dheer together and hoped that Anaya would like him too. They just loved Anaya, they didn't know why. Even if she was quiet most of the time and speak only when necessary, she gave off a warm feeling making the person in front like her. They didn't know much about her but even so, they knew that she was someone worth their trust. As for how she was while working it's a completely different story.

As for Dheer, unaware of his changing feelings he still hoped that Anshika would come back to him.