Is it that hard to believe?

"What??? How???? But he was fine when we left yesterday" shouted Sam.

"I don't know dude. Elisa just received a call from Anaya that Dheer suddenly fainted this morning and now he is in hospital getting checked. They are doubting its due to stress. I have informed Arav and now we all are on our way to hospital. Come there, we are reaching soon." informed Rehan.

"On my way dude. EVA! come out, we are going to the hospital" Sam shouted towards the bathroom.

****** New life hospital, inside Vip ward*****

"Dude !! what happened??? You were just fine yesterday when we left" asked Sam worriedly as soon as he opened the door.

They had rushed to the hospital as soon as they got the news. They were still panting.

"Doctor said it's due to sudden outburst of emotions" Rehan answered. Rehan and Arav arrived just few minutes back with their wives and had asked the doctor all about his condition.

"It's all my fault. I didn't care for him properly. I'm so sorry Dheer. I should not have come back. It's all my fault" wailed Anshika.

"You bet b**ch. You are right for the first time in your life" mumbled Elisa. Rehan elbowed her to shut her up. Elisa rolled her eyes at him.

"Where's Anaya?" Eva questioned.

"She's got a surgery scheduled. So she left as soon as Dheer woke up, after confirming his situation with doctor" Anshika answered, still sobbing.

"What actually happened?" Sam turned towards Anshika. Yesterday it was very late when they left and knowing Dheer, he wouldn't let Anshika to go back alone. So she must have stayed there and would know about the situation.

"I don't know. Anaya was having breakfast when he suddenly came to the table and said that he wants to talk to her. As soon as he said it, he.... suddenly.... fainted.... It's all my fault...." she started sobbing again.

"Someone shut this b**ch up. Doesn't she know it's illegal to spread noise pollution in the hospital" muttered Rehan who was sitting on the couch near the door. Sam, who was still standing by the door heard him and threw a "I KNOW" look towards him.

"It's not your fault Anshika. Don't blame it on yourself. I'm just stressed about my work. Don't worry about me. You need to get some rest. See how swelled up your eyes are. Go home now and rest. They are here for me now. Please go and get some rest. If you stay here I will only get more worried"

Sam frowned. Dheer would usually ask her to stay by his side. Then why is he asking her to go home. 'Something's fishy.'

"Ok.... If you say so. But please take care of yourself Dheer. If you need anything just call me. Remember I'm always there for you..." Anshika said, her voice rough from all crying.

"Our Dheer is not dying Anshika, he just fainted. Don't act like he's breathing his last breath" Elisa said jokingly certainly annoyed by her acting. Arav gave her a thumbs up sneakily. That's my SIL(sister in law).

"Don't mind her, She's just joking. Now go and get some rest. They are here to take care of me ok" Dheer consoled her.

"Hmmm" I'm going now.... Byeeee baby take care" Anshika smiled and left the room.

The room went to silence. Dheer closed his eyes, tiredness evident on his face.

Nobody speak a word and all took their seats on the couch, giving Dheer some rest. Their questions could wait.

Thirsty from all the rushing, Sam sat beside Rehan and start drinking water from the bottle on the table after filling half of it in the nearby glass handing it to Eva. Arav was seated across him on a stool whereas Eva and the other girls were seated beside Sam. As it was a Vip ward, the rooms were big and furnished well so there was enough space for all of them. Truth to be told they were not in the mood to hear about Anshika, this early in the morning. So they decided to wait for some time before asking.

"Gosh!!!! She's so good at acting... Why don't she try for the Oscars..... My ears are about to bleed from all that crying. Even crows has better voice than her crying" suddenly a voice was heard.

Sam gave a angry look to Rehan asking him to keep his voice down with eyes, his mouth still filled with water.

Rehan "-_-"

"Hey!!! stop blaming the innocent. It wasn't me" Rehan blurted looking wronged.

All of them then turned their head towards Arav asking him to shut his mouth.

"I didn't even opened my mouth. Stop blaming me." Arav snapped. "Then who is it???" Rehan asked.

"You guys are lucky that you just came. I had to hear that ear piercing cry since I woke up. Man!!!!! why didn't I ever noticed that she's such a double faced person with excellent acting skills." Dheer continued.




*cough cough*

All sorts of voice was heard at once.

Sam showered Arav across the table with the water in his mouth. The glass In Eva's hand suddenly fell on the ground, breaking..

Rehan fell off the couch.

Elisa choked on her saliva and started coughing continuously while Aisha remain stunned, not believing her ears.

As for Arav, he didn't know what to do as he was showered upon with all the water.

Dheer's mouth twitched "Hey!!!! What's with all the reaction???? Is it that hard to believe?"