Trump card

Just as the door closed, Rehan was fiercely attacked by the angry flock there.

Except Dheer who was still in a daze everyone else begin to throw things at Rehan. He was being rained by whatever came to the flock's hand.

"Guys! Guys! stop it. It'll hurt me... Owwww... I am sorry. I didn't intend to say it.... Owww... No, don't throw that vase Aisha, it's an antique.... Oww...No, Sam put down that show piece. It's made of glass. Eva, not the cushions, they'll be ruined. They are my favorite please.... Owww.... " Rehan's screams were heard as he doged a shoe thrown by Arav.

"Sureee!!!!Why not???" Elisa mimicked his reply to Anaya. "Are you trying to matchmake them or to get them divorce. Why did you promised her??" Elisa snapped at him.

"I am sorry baby. It came naturally to me. You know I can't say no to my friends" Rehan justified himself still trying to block the things being thrown at him.

"It's not helping your friend idiot. Did you get affected by Dheee's EQ. I am telling you I'll divorce you if you help Anaya to search a place to move" Elisa shouted throwing a TV remote at him.

" Baby think it like this. It's good that she same to me for help. I'll make sure that she doesn't find a place to move out of here. I'll call my employee right now and order him to show her the places with minimal approval rate. I am on your side baby. Please don't think about divorcing me" Rehan immediately took out his phone and called his employee while dodging the remote control.

"... Yes, Until I say, don't let her find another place to live in this city. Make sure that she doesn't doubt you." see I am still on Dheer's side. I too want her as my SIL. Rehan said as he ended his call.

Rehan's family was in real estate business for four generations now and held a powerful position in this field. It was not wrong to say that as long as they wanted no one could find a place in the country. But generally they didn't misuse their power. But this time Rehan did it for his best friend and his happiness. He knew they were perfect for each other and wanted to bring them closer at any costs.

"You really think she won't doubt you if you do this. It won't work more than a few days. She'll soon begin to doubt you if she don't find any place. It'll only make her dislike Dheer, if you misuse your position like this as we are his friends and she will think that Dheer is trying to make fun of her condition." Sam said.

"But what do we do. Once Anaya leave here there is no way we can put Anshika off any longer and then we will lost our chance to make up with Anaya" Aisha said

"She's right. We need some time to bring Anshika out of her closet and we can't let Anaya to find another place. By then it'll be very difficult for Dheer to pursue her. It's the only option we have got. We will think of some reason to calm down Anaya later." Eva said.

"I think Sam is right this time. Judging from the interactions with Anaya, she seems like a simple person who doesn't like things like showing off. Right now, Anaya don't dislike Dheer. But if she finds about what Rehan did she'll have a negative impression of us. And we can't afford it at this time when we are trying to impress her. We will be doing opposite of what we want which will push her further from Dheer. We have to think of something else to make her stay" Arav concluded.

"What do we do now. I can't let Anaya leave here. What if she fall in love with another man. What if that man appear with whom she married. No!!!!! that can't happen. Help me guys. We can't let it happen" Dheer finally came out of his trance.

""Relax dude. We'll think of a way. let's think of a way with a calm mind. " Sam calmed Dheer. "First we have to think of a way so that Anaya drop the plan to look for another place for now. It will buy us time to focus on Anshika's matter first. Once we have dealt with her then we can figure out a plan to make Anaya stay here permanently. We can't solve it entirely at once. Let's take baby steps."

"Whether permanently or for some time, the problem is still the same. How do we convice Anaya to stop looking for another place??" Aisha questioned.

"Stop worrying you lot. We still have a trump card. We can use it to make her stay for now. Hope it will work out" Elisa's voice was heard.

"What trump card???" everyone asked at once looking at her.