Who's Sandy?

*****Dheer's apartment*****

"What were you doing in the hospital Dheer? Who'll watch after your company if you are in the hospital?" Anaya asked him as they were having dinner.

"Umm... Actually, there are some reports of organ trafficking in the hospital, so I m there to investigate it. As for the company, dad will look after it for the time being" answered Dheer.

"It's the job of police you know. It's highly risky to get involved in such things. " And even if someone had to investigate it, why's it you?? And how are you even related to it??"

Looking at Anaya, Dheer understood that the series of questions running through her mind. He took a deep breath and began answering her "Because It's our hospital Anaya. Dad built this hospital to give something to society. According to him, It's one of his biggest achievements. So it's my responsibility as his heir to make sure that the hospital serves it's purpose and stop anything illegal. Dad wanted to do something good without being noticed so no one except for a few people knows that the hospital belongs to the Oberois.

" Ohhh!!" Anaya remarked and continue with her dinner.

" Wait!! You don't seem to be shocked about the illegal thing going on the hospital??" Dheer asked surprised.

" Oh! About that, actually, it was me who suspected it first and told the Director about it" answered Anaya sheepishly.

" What!!! Do you know how dangerous it was? How could you trust him so easily? Not that I'm saying that he's a bad person but what if he was a bad person and involved in this? You would be dead Anaya. Why didn't you tell me all this? Even if you didn't know that the hospital is owned by the Oberois, you should know that I have enough power to deal with it or you don't trust me at all." Dheer shouted, worry evident on his face.

"I trust you Dheer but I didn't want to bother you. Besides, when I told Sandy about my suspicions he said that he knew the director and that he is a nice person. So I should tell him about it. I also didn't want to waste more time and quickly deal with it. You know how patients life depends on it." Anaya answers calmly.

Dheer frowned. "Who's Sandy?" his mind stopped processing her words after Sandy was mentioned.

"You don't know Sandy?? Oh yes, how idiot of me to ask this silly question. How would you know him? He's my best friend. We know each other since I was born. We're like diaper friends. Everyone close to me knows him as we are inseparable since kids. My parents even teased me that I love him more than them. Haha... So childish. They were jealous of our friendship as I shared everything with him. He knows everything even the things that my parents don't. I'll introduce him to you when he comes to this city. He is planning to shift his business here so we can be in the same city and near to each other. I so miss him. Hope he comes here soon " Anaya answers excitedly. Whenever her two best friends we're mentioned and she always talked about them with the same excitement as a child talking about his favorite toy. To Anaya, they were the most important people after her parents.

Dheer's frown deepened. It was like he just ate the most bitter thing in the world. He received blow after blow in the last few minutes that Anaya talked. It was the first time, he saw Anaya so excited and happy when talking about someone and that someone wasn't him. Leave alone the things she said. 'Everyone close to her knows him. What's does she mean? Am I not a close person to her?? Diaper friends. Knows everything about her.' Jealousy drowned him. It was like someone just pushed him from the terrace of the world's largest skyscraper. Then he remembered her phone call on the day he was to be discharged from the hospital. She had the same smile when talking on the phone at the balcony of his room. He couldn't help but ask " Is he the same person, you were talking on the phone that day?"

"Huh??" Anaya was confused by his sudden question.

"On the day I was discharged, you received a call and went to the balcony to answer it. Remember?" Dheer asked in a low voice, trying very hard to hide his emotions.

"Umm... Oh yes. It was from Sandy. How do you know??" asked Anaya surprised.