Did I say something wrong?

'Why did I fall for her again??? How much of a fool I was. Now, even I feel that I deserved all of Elisa's beating to be so idiotically blind..' he sighed.

He was really grateful to his friends who at that time stopped him from telling her about his real identity and even made him lie to her about his family by saying that he had a younger brother. Now that nonexisting brother of his was helping him a great deal to set a trap for her.

So the plan was to first get her hooked with gambling and them make her believe Dheer was running out of money and at the same time boosting her ex-husband's business. So she would do the things that Dheer dreamed of, but sooner while they gather the evidence of it.

And as for her so-called brother, his friends were investigating him as he has too much on his plate already. Once they find a lead on that person they'll show Anaya all the evidence on Anshika while dealing with that so-called brother. But so far they weren't able to find any lead on him. If they couldn't find him by the time for his divorce then the only option left for them is plan B, which is to tear that facade of Anshika in front of Anaya to stop her and to wait for that person to make a move.

Thinking all these Dheer lay down on his bed to sleep while praying that they find a lead on that man soon because he was getting a very uneasy feeling about him.

Soon he fell asleep again. This time he had a beautiful dream...


" Stop it Dheer... Hehee... It's tickling... Haha, stop.." Anaya tried to push Dheer away from her to make him stop tickling her.

"You dare to push me away again. Now face my wrath" saying he began to tickle her even more.

They seemed to be on holiday spending time with each other on a beach. The scenery and the air around them were so lively and full of love that Dheer's heart swelled. Finally, his love was by his side with love evident in her eyes for him. Dheer fell in love with the moment.

Dheer finally stopped when he saw that she was out of breath.

Anaya breathe in much-needed air after Dheer released her. She pouted her lips at Dheer and mumbled "Bully.."

Dheer raised a brow and said "Bullyy?? Meee???" pointing a finger towards himself." Mrs. Anaya Oberoi did you forget the face of that Mastermind of that trafficking case when he realized that you were the one behind their failure. He even said that he has never seen a bully eviler than you..."

Remembring that mastermind's face at that time, Anaya laughed, her delightful laughter bringing a smile on his face. Both in his dream and in reality.

Just then a rambunctious blaring sound of a small alarm clock jarred Dheer out of his beautiful dream forcing him to open his eyes to stop that annoying sound.

For the first time in his life, he hated his alarm to wake him up from the most beautiful dream he's ever dreamt He so wanted to smack that alarm clock to pieces there and then. Then his gaze landed on the time and he could only hiss "Later. I'll deal with you, later" as he woke up from his bed.

He quickly brushed and took a quick shower and by the time he arrived at the breakfast table it was already eight and Anaya was setting the breakfast on the table. A smile broke on his face as he thought about his dream.

"Good Morning Anaya," he said in a cheerful voice.

"Good Morning Dheer.. Oh..I forgot something in my room. You start with breakfast, I'll be right back " came the reply as she rushed towards her room.

However, something felt off. He saw Anaya rushing back to her room almost tripping over a few times. It was as if she was caught red-handed doing something.

He sat on the chair feeling confused.

"Did I say something wrong?" he scratched his head.

Anaya rushed into her room and slammed the door as soon as she entered...