Hidden motive

Outside the apartment, as she was heading to the elevator she ran to her neighbors. " Hello, Mrs. Singh, Good Morning" she greeted.

"Oh! Hello Anaya, Good Morning" Mrs. Singh greeted.

"It's been a while since I last saw you" Anaya commented.

"Yes dear, it's been a while. In fact, I was about to visit you tonight."

"Oh! Really. Thank God we met here now then because I have to cover for one of my colleague's night shift tonight, so I won't be home tonight. I'm so sorry about this, how about tomorrow. Tomorrow is my day off so I can come over to your place instead."

"I'm worried that's not possible dear. That's why I wanted to visit you tonight. We'll be leaving tonight."

"What?Where? I mean Why?" Anaya was so surprised that she didn't know how to react. Mrs. Singh, was a middle-aged woman and has been a really wonderful person. She owned the apartment and next to theirs, and she liked to spend time in her company during her day off when she was alone in the apartment.

"Actually, we recently found a really nice apartment which is also close to both our workplaces. My husband is usually very tired due to the long route that he has to take every day to his work. So when he found the place, he decided to buy it and we are almost done shifting. If not for the fact that I wanted to see you before leaving we would have already left in the afternoon itself. Since you won't be coming back tonight, I guess I would be leaving in the afternoon now. But don't forget this old maiden after I left okay. Please come visit my new place whenever you are free or miss this old maiden" Mrs. Singh said, she wanted to call her the next day but she did know that Anaya would be tired after her night shift and she loved to spend her day sleeping after each night shift.

"I'm so sad that I wouldn't even be able to see you off. I'm so going to miss you Mrs. Singh" Anaya said almost grieving. She was already in a sour mood because of the topic she just discussed with Dheer to discard her dream and now this news.

"Hey, I'm not dying okay. I'm just shifting my place and you are welcome to visit or call me whenever you want." Mrs. Singh hugged Anaya. She was going to miss her too.

******Inside the apartment******

As soon as Anaya left, Dheer called Sam to ask about that brother of Anshika. He just wanted to solve this matter as soon as possible and didn't want Anaya to misunderstand him more. He was really pissed off when Anaya bought Anshika up during their breakfast ruining his entire mood that was so good because of that dream.

"Sorry Dheer, we still can't track that person. He is really cautious and cunning. He's using Anshika as his pawn and I think he really has a big motive hidden." Sam said on the phone.

"I Don't care Sam. I don't care about his motive, but I can't let Anshika to create more misunderstanding between Anaya and me. I'm going to expose her as soon as I get more evidence of her cheating. We can deal with that person later." Dheer was frustrated.

"I understand you Dheer but just wait a few more days. We still have two weeks before Mama Oberoi's birthday. We can't alert that person by exposing Anshika earlier it'll only make it more difficult for us to track him down. We don't know his motives yet and how dangerous he is. Just wait till then. If we are unable to track him down by then, then you can do as you wish but just till then, have patience and let us track him down. I promise you we will do everything to track him down before Anaya could leave you."

Dheer inhaled deeply and replied "Ok but only until mom's birthday. If we still don't have any lead on him by then, we'll go with plan B and expose Anshika. I can't let this divorce to happen. I don't want to lose Anaya. I can deal with anything as long as Anaya is beside me."

"I know. But why are you calling me now?" Sam suddenly asked.