Three conditions

You can check it if you don't mind. The night is still young and as per your statement, it'll take only five minutes for you to know it all" her tone still seductive.

"I like your confidence. So you passed the first criteria. I still have two left." V said giving a devilish smile.

"Such a picky man you are" she smiled and continued almost whispering "Just my type. So, what are your other two requirements?"

"Well I have three norms or you can say criteria to get a girl."

"One- the girl should be single at the time I start any sort of relationship with her, even if it's just a physical one. I don't want a hassle of any husband or boyfriend popping out of nowhere and spoil the fun, you see." He began.

"Second- The girl should have no strings attached, as I tend to get bored easily and don't like to stay on a relationship for too long. And I don't want clingy girls. They are annoying. But this doesn't mean that I will just leave them like used pieces. Obviously, there will be breakup compensation which would be enough for her to lead a luxurious life until she dies."

Anshika's eyes shone at his last words. 'That's it, just like the type I like. There's no way I'm going to let him go. Who knows he'll marry me and all his wealth will be mine then. Well done Anshika, it's good that you accept the invitation to this ball' she praised herself for having such

a good sight.

"Well, I guess I meet your second requirement too Mr. V. Let's just move on to the next one then," she said calmly not wanting to look excited at all. "Just state your third condition and get over with it."

"Not so soon, Miss. Let me confirm if you meet the first two conditions before moving to the third one. Let's not be hasty. I don't want to bed a wrong woman as you can see I'm quite picky" V showed a wicked smile.

"Well, feel free to investigate all you need but don't drag it for too long. Just like you, I too have the tendency to lose interest easily. Just tell me the third condition and just confirm them all at once. And maybe you'll regret later for making me wait for too long." Anshika winked at him.

"I am liking you more, Miss Anshika. As you are so confident then just get it over with then" he gave a wicked smile.

Anshika felt lost in his smile. 'Damn, even his smile is sexy. I really want to devour him whole' there was list in her eyes.

Seeing that lust in Anshika's eyes at this very moment, a low growl was heard in the bunch's earpieces.

"Hey Eva, calm down there. This is all part of the plan you know right. Don't be mad now. We are almost there. Don't snap now. It'll be over soon. That bitch will be gone from our lives forever. Bear with her just a bit more " Aisha tried to calm her down.

'Jeez why m I stuck here calming this tigress. Why had it to be me? Please God just finishes this soon before this tigress loses it and wreak havoc here.' Aisha cried over her current situation.

A cold sweat break in all the people connected with the earpiece after hearing that little conversation.

Normally, Eva was a very calm and composed woman but if anyone managed to piss her off then, it was a disaster. And this time, Anshika managed to piss her off really bad.

"Please God, don't let this tigress snap now. Just get this over before this place turns to ruins" Everyone prayed silently, retaining their calm demeanor outside.

"My third condition.." V began.

Everyone's focus was once again drawn to V.

"Well Miss Anshika, my third condition is that you should be good in bed. What's the point of getting to a girl if she couldn't satisfy the very one reason that I'm with her."

Anshika's eyes flickered at his third condition. "Well, Mr. V the first two conditions can be investigated but what about your third condition. How were you planning to discover that out?"

'You don't have to worry Miss, I've my ways' V said confidently."It's just that, it will take a little time. Maybe a day at max"

"Why don't I help you then? You can confirm with my ex whether I fit the last category or not while you confirm the first two with your resources. Just so you can save time" Anshika winked at him seductively.

"I see, you have a lot of confidence in your ex-husband huh? How're you so sure that he won't give you away?" V asked seemingly interested.

"As I told you, we had a divorce mutually so there are no hard feelings between us. So he doesn't have a reason to lie at all and besides, I'm unrivaled in bed" she said confidently.

"Let's see then" V said wickedly.

Anshika called over her ex-husband right there and then.