Not so easily Mr. Dheer

They both got up hastily and did what true best friends do in such a situation.

Arav took out his phone promptly and started to record a video meanwhile Sam was instructing him to get a right angle.

"Not from here idiot, Dheer's face is not visible. Turn it to right.... Yes, a little bit more... A little bit...and perfect. Now both of them are visible with their expressions intact" Sam directed Arav.

Rehan -_-

"You guys are really mean. Please help me before this idiot kisses me and ruin my virtue. This guy is just not waking up. I've been trying for half an hour now that's why I wake you both as the water is now going above the level" Rehan wailed.

"Or the kisses?" Arav commented to which both Sam and he burst out laughing.

"Guyyss" Rehan was getting annoyed.

"Okay.. Okay.. I'm coming. Arav continue the video while I help this 'victim' out" saying this Sam moved ahead to help Rehan.

As Sam tried to unwrap Rehan from Dheer's arm he was shocked by how tightly he was holding Rehan. "Man, this is going to leave a bruise on your body Rehan. Be prepared to tell El all about it. Oh, never mind! We'll just show her. I bet this idiot is having a dream again." Sam chuckled trying very hard to free Rehan.

Meanwhile in Dheer's dream...

He was lying in bed with Anaya, both face to face. It had been a while since both of them were staring at each other will eyes full of love.

His gaze was getting intense by the second. Finally breaking the sweet silence he spoke "You have beautiful eyes, Anaya. I never noticed that your eyes are brown. I love the way your eyes color changes to a light shade of brown when they are in the light, just like now."

Anaya lowered her eyes and blushed to which he smiled like a crazy fool totally in love.

"You have a perfect nose. It's so slender and straight and I love it." Dheer commented further to which her face turned a shade of red.

"Look at me, Anaya. Now that we are finally together, I want you to look at me, only me with that loving gaze you currently have" saying this he took her hands and brought it to his lips and gave a gentle kiss to her palm.

Anaya was getting more red and was feeling all mushy inside.

Next, he said "I never noticed that little mole on the right side just below your lips. They are beautiful and tempting me to get a bite of it" saying this he leaned forward to kiss her.

But just as he was getting close she began to feel all shy and tried to break free.

"Not so easily Mr. Dheer. You still have to be punished for our first divorce. It was all your fault for making it complicated" there was a teasing hint in her voice and her eyes.

"I'll accept your punishment some other day" saying this, he clutched her arms and legs tightly and leaned closer to which she responded by getting farther.

They were enjoying teasing each other.

In all their teasing Anaya somehow managed to break free one of her legs and kicked him and he fell on the floor.

As he was about to get up and go after her again he felt something dripping on his face and it became difficult to breathe for him. Slowly Anaya and his room blurred from his vision and as if someone was clutching and pulling him out of there, the scene faded. It was getting dark and wet and difficult to breathe.

It was as if someone was pouring something wet on his face.

He abruptly opened his eyes to find out what was happening but was surprised to see Sam pouring a jug of water on his face. He was almost out of the air when he instantly turned his face to the side and got up to get much needed air in between constant coughing.

Seeing that Dheer was finally awake, Sam stopped pouring the water.

After an intense coughing and gasping for air session for about a minute, Dheer shouted "What the hell Sam. What are you doing? Do you want to kill me? And that too when I'm in the middle of such an amazing dream?"