Bad news

"Fine. But this better be a good surprise as I'm still sad for failing our last mission" Elisa pouted.

"Don't worry babe, you'll love it." Reagan said as he kissed her on her head.

"Arav, send the video to me too. I want to watch it again. I was so worried about El's reaction that I didn't watch it properly" Aisha said.

"Me too" Eva said.

"Hey!!" Dheer protested.

"Shut up Dheer. you are having those exclusive dreams and we don't even get to see what you feel like during those moments. Not fair. So much for helping you, you ungrateful brat " Eva teased.

The rest laughed at this while Dheer scoffed.

But unknown to them, the dreams were not exclusive to Dheer. Someone else was having the same dreams too.


Meanwhile, on the way to the hospital, Anaya was ruddy from all the memories of her dream last night. 'What was that? Why am I having those dreams? They fell so real.' She thought. Once again, the dream flashed in her mind.

'... Your eyes are beautiful.... You have a perfect nose..... I never noticed that little mole on the right side just below your lips. They are beautiful and tempting me to get a bite of it....'

Just then she kicked him out of the bed but he soon regained himself and pounced on her, sucking and biting her. He gave her a nice long kiss which left her almost breathless.

Just as they parted to fill in their lungs with enough air for another round of kiss her alarm went off and she woke up. She was very confused and embarrassed but also amused and giddy from this dream. That's why she didn't want to face Dheer until she pulled the dream out and sort out her mind. So she left in a hurry lying about the surgery before Dheer could come out of his room.

'Oh God! Why am I having these dreams lately? Do they have some meaning?' she pondered throughout the way to the hospital.

Unknown to them, a piece of bad news was awaiting them in the hospital.

Dheer and Anaya received a shock when they reached the hospital. Dr. Veer the pediatrician, the suspect for the organ trafficking case suddenly got caught up in a road traffic accident and was in critical condition. There was a chance of him going into a comatose state.

It was very bad news to them because he was the major suspect connecting them to the mastermind. They were planning to use him as a bait to lure out the mastermind but with this incident, their entire plan was ruined.

There was another problem facing Dheer. The hospital had to appoint a new pediatrician but he had to go for a camp with the doctors.

Every six months, New life hospital would lead a team of doctors to the countryside where the medical facilities were not available, to inspect the area for opening a branch meanwhile treating the people from and near that village.

Each time, it was a different village and that was one of the main reasons behind the respect that the hospital earned. They were trying to reach to the people of every corner of the country, to serve them without any obligation.

And this time Dheer was personally going to inspect the area as Anaya was going too.

Thinking for quite a while he went to the director of the hospital. "I'm sorry for disturbing you abruptly director, but as you know that this time I'm the one heading the doctors to the camp as well as inspecting the area, it would not be possible for me to appoint a new pediatrician."

"I know your predicament sir. And don't worry about the new pediatrician, I had already started looking for the qualified doctors for this job due to Dr. Veer's involvement in the trafficking case and luckily, recently someone qualified sent in a resume for this job" Director said in a calm voice.

"That's good news but investigate him thoroughly before appointing anyone. I don't want more doctors like Dr. Veer" Dheer said seriously.

"I know sir. You don't have to worry about him. I know him personally and he's a very good man. I can vouch for his credibility." The Director said.

"In that case, I'll trust you. So when is he going to join" Dheer asked.

"He'll be here next week. I bet he's already packing to come here, sir."

"It's relief then. Thank you for the hard work director. I will go now and look over the arrangements for the camp." saying this Dheer excused himself.

As soon as Dheer left the room, the director sneered. 'Yes, he is a great doctor, as well as a great man but I can't say if you will like him 'sir'. All the best for your coming misfortune. I'm so sorry but you bought it over yourself."