Chocolate pastry

"Don't worry, he'll be fine once he got a hold of himself and gets the confidence that Anaya loves him too. Didn't you all see for yourself how he treated Anshika even when it wasn't love? He'll treat Anaya even better and his EQ will improve too. We just have to help him till then" Sam sighed. These days he was sighing way too much, all thanks to a certain idiot friend of his.

"Do we have any other option? Just look at this lovelorn idiot." Elisa said sighing. She never felt this irritated before. This friend of hers was giving her a heck of a headache.

"Listen you idiot, we are planning to go on shopping at that New spice mall and was thinking to invite Anaya and Rudra. We will create opportunities for you two to be alone, so go, get ready soon and let's talk to Anaya before she makes other plans for today." Elisa shouted in a commanding voice.

"Taking Anaya is fine, but why that Rudra. He'll only be a nuisance. Didn't you see how happy he was when Anaya ignored me yesterday? I'm telling you guys, he hates me." Dheer whined.

"You idiot, He will obviously hate you because he cares about Anaya. As for taking him with us, if we don't invite him then Anaya would surely want to accompany Rudra and refuse to go with us. He's new here so obviously Anaya will show him around as a friend. So Anaya will definitely agree to go with us if we put it like this. As we know this city more than her, after all, we were raised here.

These words snapped Dheer out of his current endeavor and he got ready at the speed of a hurricane. "Let's go then. What are you all waiting for? Christmas?"

His friends shook their heads as he dashed out of the room like an excited kid who's going out for a picnic.

While they were all busy nitpicking Dheer and pitying Anaya, the mature and sensible girl that they were sympathizing with was busy pouting and crouching under the dining table.

"Stop it ducky!! He won't stay angry for long and you know it, he'll call you and even bring you your favorite ice cream. Now come out from there and have your breakfast. See I even managed to get your favorite pastry flavors so early in the morning. Come out now, there are more in the box on the table." A wounded Rudra was squatting beside the table trying to coerce her for the last fifteen minutes. He had her favorite pastry in his hand to lure her out.

Anaya's mouth watered at the sight of her most favorite chocolate pastry in his hand. She drooled over it and almost came out to snatch it from him. Her hands were inches away from the pastry in his hand. Rudra felt smug on seeing his plan being successful.

But, just then as if suddenly remembering something, Anaya instantly retracted her hand and swallowed the small pond in her mouth that was created from her saliva. Then she scurried back into her original place. 'Damn! She almost fell for his trap.'

She glared at Rudra and said in a stern voice, "You think, your petty traps will be able to lure me, the great Anaya out? Dream on!! It's all your fault for running that big mouth of yours. Hmph. Don't try to cover up your mistake with such measly chocolate pastry now, you piggy" She turned her head away as she uttered the last sentence in anger and forced herself to sound confident.

'I'm so sorry for calling you 'measly' my pastry. But I have to sound confident right now or else he will again try to lure me and get away with his crime. You know that I love you right? Please wait for me to eat you and don't go into this piggy's belly, please' she begged, sobbing inwardly. As if the pastry was a human with emotions.

Seeing his plan failed miserably, Rudra knew that she was really angry this time. Even the pasty failed. He had no choice but to go for plan B now.

He was hesitant to continue as he didn't want to do this. He was sure that she'll use this against him for many days. But he can't see her angry either. There will be no one to banter with if she stopped talking to him as she can be quite headstrong when showing her anger to them. It'll be no fun then. He would rather suffer her punishment than her silent treatment. It sucked!