Wild cat

After watching the movie, Rudra and Anaya got out of the theatre. It was still some time before the movie got over for the boys. So not wanting to disturb others in their shopping yet, they decided to stroll around the mall for now.

As they were strolling around, something caught Anaya's eyes, and her eyes darkened.

'Just in time' she smirked and her eyes held a devilish glint. She held Rudra's hand and dragged him towards the opposite direction to where they were going.

"Hey Ducky, what's wrong? Where are you taking me? We were supposed to go that way?" Rudra asked as he tried to free his hands from Anaya's clutches.

"Shut up and follow me. I want to go that way." Anaya urged and continued dragging Rudra in the opposite direction. She could not let Rudra find out about her plan or else he would definitely stop her.

After a while, Rudra got confused and asked "Just what are you doing? You first dragged me this way and now you are acting all suspicious?" He then raised his eyebrows and asked "Tell me what are you up to now?"

"You are thinking way too much. I'm a mature person now and don't do anything idiotic anymore. Rest assured, I am just window shopping." Anaya replied, her eyes still focused on a certain someone. She gave an evil smirk as she saw that person heading in a particular direction. 'Perfect!! Just what I wanted'.

Rudra couldn't see her smirk or the direction she was looking at as he was following behind her. If he had, he would definitely know what she was up to.

"You, and window shopping???? Is there *stupid* written on my forehead? You doing any sorts of shopping is the one thing that is more impossible than time traveling. Just what are you up to now Ducky?" Rudra asked as he overtook her and stood in front of her with his arms crossed and narrowed eyes. 'It's never good when she reacts like this. I really am having an awful feeling. She's definitely up to something.'

Anaya quickly regained her facial expression and looked towards Rudra "Stop thinking too much or you'll get wrinkles before you reach your thirties. Remember you are my slave for the next thirty days so stop behaving like this, okay. And I wasn't planning anything I just needed to use the restroom and I was looking for it. See." She pointed towards the restroom sign ahead. " It'll take some time so you stroll around here or wait for me at the cafeteria decided or whatever you want. Just don't stand here like a statue and wait for me like you are waiting for a little kid who'll get lost." saying this she started walking towards the corridor where restrooms were located.

Rudra let out a deep sigh. She knew him too well. But he still had an uneasy feeling about all this. His ducky could be very tricky when it came to doing anything wicked. He just hoped that what she said was true and started strolling around.

*****Meanwhile, At a certain store on the same floor****

"You guys go and pay for these items while I use the restroom. Wait for me in the cafeteria decided, it's about time their movies get over." Dheer said as he handed over the items the girls had selected to Elisa and headed towards the corridor where it was located.

The male and female restrooms were adjoining each other, in a separate hallway and when Dheer reached the hallway, he was astounded by what he saw.

A woman was punching and scratching a young man while he was trying to dodge but was failing miserably. Like a wild cat on the attack, the woman attacked while another woman was equally trying to save the man, probably her boyfriend, but she too was failing miserably. Both she and her boyfriend were no match for this wildcat.

The wild cat was yelling at each punch she threw. "You asshole!! It was clearly your fault and you still dared to blame us. And more than that, How dare you to mock my Rudy. How does he look sissy huh? Trying to look cool in front of your girlfriend huh? Now, who's the one acting like a sissy? You can't even dodge these mere punches by me" shouting, she swung her leg, ready to kick him next.